Pronunciation Lesson 24
Common Errors (Part 2)
Here are some more words that English speakers tend to get wrong often.
For each list of words, read it carefully first, looking at the pronunciation notes. Then listen to the sound file and repeat each word. Do this twice for each list.
List 1:
- Toalla – toe EYE ah
- Que – KAY (not “kwee” or “kway”)
- De – thAY (not “dee”)
- Seguir – say GEAR
- Sigue – SEE gay
- Guerra – GAY dah
- Creer – kday EHR
- Leer – lay EHR
List 2:
- Piscina – pee SEE nah
- Cocinar – ko see NAR
- Años – AHN yos
- Cumpleaños – coom play AHN yos
- Página – PAH hee nah
- Pájaro – PAH ha doh
- Leal – lay AHL
- Triste – t’DEE stay
List 3:
- Chaqueta – cha KAY tah
- Película – pay LEE coo lah
- Unido – oo KNEE doh
- Usar – oo SAHR
- Zapato – sah PAH toh
- Bicho – BEE cho
- Cine – SEE nay
- Cena – SAY nah
Did you go through all the lists twice? If you had trouble with any, keep coming back to these lists so you can refine your pronunciation!