Vocabulary Lesson 19
Part 1: Individual Words
Play the recording and repeat each word after you hear it.
Yo salgo, Tú sales, Nosotros salimos, Yo traigo, Él trae, Nosotros traemos, Yo me caigo, Tú te caes, Ellos se caen.
Anaranjado, Este calcetín negro, Esta camisa amarilla, Los zapatos blancos, Aquella falda negra.
Part 2: Sentences
Play the recording. The reader will pause at the end of each sentence; listen carefully and repeat each sentence just as you heard it. Do this twice.
Aquellos pantalones marrones son feos. Ese vestido es bonito. Estos zapatos son grandes.
Part 3: Dictation
Write down the sentences that you hear. You may listen to the recording as many times as you need to in order to do this. Once you have written it the best you can, click below to see the answers. Don’t cheat! You won’t learn that way!
. Dictation Answer¿Dónde está mi blusa amarilla? No quiero llevar la camisa anaranjada. El abrigo verde está sucio.