Pronunciation Lesson 10

N and Ñ

What sound does N make?

The letter N is one of the easiest Spanish letters for us to make, since it is exactly the same as our English N.

Listen and repeat:

  • Anda
  • Consuelo
  • Cuenta
  • Nopal
  • Nevar
  • Pelón

What sound does Ñ make?

The Ñ (pronounced “en yay”) is a separate letter from N in Spanish. The squiggly line above it is called a tilde (pronounced “teel day”). This letter sounds like the English NY, as in “canyon.”

Listen and repeat:

  • Baño
  • Caña
  • Bañera
  • Teñir
  • Cañón
  • Año

Practice Sentences

You will hear each of the following sentences twice; listen carefully! After the second time, repeat what you heard. You will hear it once more, and say it once more.

Mi cuñado enseña al niño los lunes por la mañana.

(My brother-in-law teaches the child on Monday mornings.)


La nueva niñera se tiñe el pelo una vez al año.

(The new babysitter dyes her hair once a year.)


The tilde can change the meaning of a word, often quite dramatically.

Soñar = to dream

Sonar = to sound

Uña = fingernail

Una = one

Año = year

Ano = anus