Pronunciation Lesson 12

J and H

How do you pronounce J?

The letter J is pronounced like the soft G in Spanish, which we discussed in lesson 4. It basically sounds like the English H, except with more of a constricted sound in the back of the throat. It’s not quite that gross sound you make when you’re trying to clear phlegm out of the back of your throat, but it’s a bit like that!

Listen and repeat:

  • Jarabe
  • Jarra
  • Jalar
  • Caja
  • Elijo
  • Cajón
  • Embajada
  • Enojado

How do you pronounce H?

You don’t!  End of story!

The letter H is absolutely, positively, matter-of-factly silent, one hundred percent of the time! (That is, unless you count words with CH, where the c and h together create the English “ch” sound).

Listen and repeat:

  • Hacer
  • Hallar
  • Ahogar
  • Búho
  • Almohada
  • Hecho
  • Hacha
  • Hasta

Practice Sentences

You will hear each of the following sentences twice; listen carefully! After the second time, repeat what you heard. You will hear it once more, and say it once more.

Javier jacta que trabajó con la pareja lejana.

Javier boasts that he worked with the far-away couple.


El hambre del hombre halla la hora perfecta.

(The man’s hunger finds the perfect time.)


La almohada ahoga el búho que hace el ruido.

(The pillow smothers the owl that makes the noise.)