Pronunciation Lesson 6
The Letters U and Q
How do you pronounce “U”?
U is a fairly straightforward letter in English:
- Cut (uh)
- Cute (you)
- Flute (oo)
Spanish only has one sound for the letter U. The only complication is that sometimes U is silent! When spoken, the letter U makes an “ooh” sound. This is the sound we make in the words boot and tube.
One of the common times when the U is silent is when it comes after a Q. The letter Q is never found without a U, and together they make a K sound (not a KW sound).
Practice Words
Listen to the recording, and say the words just like you hear them. Practice this at least twice.
- Cultura
- Puño
- Unido
- Dulce
- Útil
- Angustia
- Quebrar
- Quiere
- Toque
- Equipo
- Bloque
Practice Sentences
Now it’s time to practice some sentences that emphasize the U sound. You will hear it twice at the beginning; listen carefully before you say it yourself. After the second time, then say it yourself, just the way you heard it. You will hear it once more, and say it once more.
Las pulgas unidas turban la cultura humana.
(The united fleas disturb human culture.)
¿Qué equipo quiere quebrar el banquero en vaqueros?
(Which team does the banker in bluejeans want to break?)