Pronunciation Lesson 17

The Letter R

Between Vowels and at the Ends of Words

The Letter R in Spanish never sounds like its English counterpart. In English we raise the back of the tongue to form the R sound, and it can be drawn out as long as we want. In Spanish, the R is made with the front of the tongue, touching lightly right behind the teeth. It makes a quick D or TT sound, like you would say in butter.

Listen and repeat:

  • Pera
  • Caro
  • Pareja
  • Maduro
  • Billar
  • Decir

Before & After Consonants:

The R makes the same sound (like a quick D) before consonants. This isn’t too difficult for us:

  • Barco
  • Servir
  • Fuerza


We have a habit, however, of blending an R with the previous consonant sometimes, so that TR sounds like CHR (tree, train) and DR sounds like JR (drive, dream). This does not happen in Spanish. Instead, each consonant makes its own sound, separately and briefly.

  • El tren  (tden)
  • La trama (tdama)
  • El drama (ddama)
  • La droga (ddoga)


Practice this slowly and repeatedly. The D and T are made by putting your tongue on the back of your top teeth, and the R is made by tapping your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just behind the teeth

Practice Sentences

Repeat each sentence after you hear it. After saying all of the sentences, do the activity once more.

El triste tigre traga la pera pura.

(The sad tiger swallows the pure pear.)


La tormenta tira el muro en la madrugada.

(The storm throws the wall in the early morning.)