Pronunciation Lesson 14


Second-last syllable:

All words that end in vowels will naturally receive the emphasis on the second-last syllable. Listen and repeat.

  • Computadora
  • Amarillo
  • Triste
  • Patinaje


This is also true of words ending in N or S. Listen and repeat.

  • Libros
  • Bailamos
  • Trabajan
  • Bibliotecas
  • Dirigen

Last syllable:

All words that end in consonants (except for S and N) will naturally receive the emphasis on the final syllable. Listen to each of the following words and repeat it

  • Amistad
  • Reloj
  • Frijol
  • Empujar
  • Contratar
  • Disfraz

Practice Sentences

You will hear each of the following sentences twice; listen carefully! After the second time, repeat what you heard. You will hear it once more, and say it once more.

Clarisa escudriña las mujeres en la muchadumbre que temen la culebra.

(Clarissa examines the women in the crowd who fear the snake.)


El impostor pertinaz da un mandil al director para mancillar su majestad.

(The obstinate impostor gives an apron to the director to stain his majesty.)