Bible Lesson 32

What will the end be like?

Better than we can imagine!

We have all heard the ending, “And they all lived happily ever after.” And in a fairy tale, we can believe it. But then we think of real life. Who ever really lived happily ever after? We have trouble believing it could really be the case.

And yet this is the picture that God gives us of eternity, where our lives will literally be “forever after,” and we will be more truly happy than we can imagine!

God himself will live in the midst of his people, giving light to all. There will be no sorrow, no tears, no danger, no night!

This will not be floating on clouds, playing harps and wearing robes (and polishing our halos). Rather, it is a literal city, on a true earth, with kings and kingdoms and riches and beauty, adventure and love and exploration. But without death, without impurity, and without temptation.

Let’s say with John, the author of Revelation, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!”

New Planet, by Konstantin Yuon, 1921.

New Planet, by Konstantin Yuon, 1921.

Apocalipsis 21

(3) Oí una potente voz que provenía del trono y decía: «¡Aquí, entre los seres humanos, está la morada de Dios! Él acampará*Literally, he will set up camp, or pitch his tent. This is the same word the apostle John used when he said The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. en medio de ellos, y ellos serán su pueblo; Dios mismo estará con ellos y será su Dios. (4) Él les enjugará toda lágrima de los ojos. Ya no habrá muerte, ni llanto, ni lamento ni dolor, porque las primeras cosas han dejado de existir.»

(5) El que estaba sentado en el trono dijo: «¡Yo hago nuevas todas las cosas!» Y añadió: «Escribe, porque estas palabras son verdaderas y dignas de confianza.»

(22) No vi ningún templo en la ciudad, porque el Señor Dios Todopoderoso y el Cordero son su templo. (23) La ciudad no necesita ni sol ni luna que la alumbren, porque la gloria de Dios la ilumina, y el Cordero es su lumbrera. (24) Las naciones caminarán a la luz de la ciudad, y los reyes de la tierra le entregarán sus espléndidas riquezas. (25) Sus puertas estarán abiertas todo el día, pues allí no habrá noche. (26) Y llevarán a ella todas las riquezas y el honor de las naciones. (27) Nunca entrará en ella nada impuro, ni los idólatras ni los farsantes, sino sólo aquellos que tienen su nombre escrito en el libro de la vida, el libro del Cordero.

Apocalipsis 22

(20) El que da testimonio de estas cosas, dice: «Sí, vengo pronto.»

Amén. ¡Ven, Señor Jesús!

Traducción: NVI

Revelation 21

I heard a powerful voice coming from the throne and saying, “Here, among humans, is the dwelling of God! He will live in the midst of them, and they will be his people; God himself will be with them and will be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will no longer be death, nor mourning, nor sorrow nor pain, because the first things have ceased to exist.”

He who was seated on the throne said, “I make new all things!” And he added, “Write, because these words are true and worthy of trust.”

I didn’t see any temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city needs neither sun nor moon to illuminate it, because the Glory of God illuminates it, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk to the light of the city, and the kings of the earth will bring in their splendid riches. Its doors will be open all day, since there will not be night there. And they will bring to the city all the riches and honor of the nations. Never will enter in it anything impure, nor the idolaters nor the hypocrites, but only those who have their names written in the book of life, the book of the Lamb.

Revelation 22

He that gives testimony to these things says, “Yes, I come soon.”

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to understand as much as you can.