Pronunciation Lesson 1

The Letter A

How do you pronounce it?

One great thing about Spanish pronunciation is that (with one small exception) the vowels never change their sounds. Consider the range of sounds that the letter A makes in English:

  • Ant
  • All
  • Ate
  • Hang
  • Woman
  • According

In Spanish, the letter A always sounds exactly the same. It sounds basically like the A in Father or Ball, or the sound you make at the dentist: “Say ‘ahh!'”

Practice Words

Here are some words with good A sounds to practice. Listen to the recording, and say the words just like you hear them. Practice this at least twice.

  • Manzana
  • Para
  • Mañana
  • Ancha
  • Andar
  • Trabajar
  • Amarrar
  • Atrapar

Practice Sentences

Now it’s time to practice some sentences that emphasize the A sound. You will hear it twice at the beginning; listen carefully before you say it yourself. After the second time, then say it yourself, just the way you heard it. You will hear it once more, and say it once more.

La llama y la alpaca andan a la charca.

(The llama and the alpaca walk to the pond.)


¿Estás cansada? ¡Apaga la lámpara!

(Are you tired? Turn off the lamp!)