Pronunciation Lesson 8
How do you pronounce it?
The letter combination GUA is not included here because the U is silent, or it does something to the G. Instead, it is because of a unique pronunciation trend that affects only this combination of letters.
While we would expect this to say “gwa” according to normal Spanish pronunciation rules, instead it is pronounced “wa” in many areas.
So, while we would expect guapo to sound like “GWA poh,” you will actually hear “WA poh.”
Practice Words
Listen carefully to the recording, and say the words just like you hear them. Practice this at least twice.
- Agua
- Nicaragua
- Averiguar
- Paraguas
- Guatemala
- Guantes
- Guardar
- Guayaba
Practice Sentences
You will hear each of the following sentences twice; listen carefully! After the second time, repeat what you heard. You will hear it once more, and say it once more.
Uso el paragauas para el agua en Guatemala.
(I use an umbrella for the water in Guatemala.)
El guardia lleva guantes para guardar el guayaba.
(The guard wears gloves to put away the guava.)