Pronunciation Lesson 26

The Letter D

In the beginning or middle

The letter D typically makes a TH sound in Spanish. At the beginning of a word this sound is subtle, and sounds almost identical to the English D. Listen and repeat:

DelfĂ­n, Dolor, Dirigir, Dormir, Dinero


In the middle of a word, the TH is much softer, like the sound we make in “Father.” Listen and repeat:

Cuidar, Ayuda, Cordero, Madre, Morder

What about at the end of words?

When a D comes at the end of a word it makes an extremely light TH sound. Often it is just left out entirely! Listen carefully and repeat each word:

La mitad, Venid, Vanidad, Amistad, Soledad, Prosperidad.


Practice Sentences

Repeat each sentence after you hear it. After saying all of the sentences, do the activity once more.

El escudero demanda la verdad y pierde la amistad.

(The squire demands the truth and loses the friendship.)


Se mide la enfermedad en Madrid con miedo.

(One measures the sickness in Madrid with fear.)