History Lesson 8

La Conquista de los Aztecas   –   The Conquest of the Aztecs

Hernán Cortés is infamous for his brutal and clever tactics in his conquest of the area now called Mexico. Besides the legendary destruction of his ships (which were crippled, not burned), he also gained notoriety for his relationship with La Melinche, a native woman who was his mistress and interpreter.

Tenochtitlán was the capital of the Aztecs, built out on the middle of a lake. The massive city was built on stilts, with thousands of homes, at least one temple and the emperor’s palace all constructed on platforms and connected by bridges. The people used boats as well.

The site of this former city is now the location of Mexico City, still one of the most populous cities on earth. Though the lake was filled in, the ground is still unstable in that location, and the city is actually sinking slowly, crushing sewers and causing other problems.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

En 1519, los españoles controlan muchas islas caribeñas, pero saben que hay muchas tierras y riquezas en el continente. Desobedeciendo a su gobernador y cuñado, Hernán Cortés embarca de Cuba con 11 naves y 630 españoles. Lleva también a cientos de cubanos y africanos.

Después de llegar en México, Cortés destruye 10 de sus naves, porque algunos de sus hombres quieren salir. El último barco Cortés llena con oro para el rey de España para comprar su perdón.

Usando la diplomacia, las promesas, las amenazas y la fuerza, Cortés empieza a conquistar la región. A veces la gente indígena empieza las batallas. Pero también los españoles masacran a muchísimos indios, como en Cholula, donde queman la ciudad y matan a miles de nativos sin provocación. Los indios que son enemigos de los aztecas, como los nativos de Tlaxcala, se hacen aliados de los españoles.

Los aztecas oyen acerca de los españoles, y envían a mensajeros con mucho oro. Ellos tratan de convencer a Cortés que no vaya a Tenochtitlán, su ciudad principal. Pero el oro y la manera humilde de los mensajeros tienen el efecto opuesto. Cortés dirige su conquista siempre hacia esta ciudad.

Los españoles y sus aliados llegan a Tenochtitlán, la cual es una de las ciudades más grandes del mundo en ese día. Es una ciudad construida encima de un lago. El emperador Moctezuma tiene miedo de ellos, posiblemente creyendo que son dioses. Los aztecas los reciben pacíficamente.

Pero poco tiempo después, empiezan a tener problemas, y Cortés toma a Moctezuma como prisionero. Él usa al emperador azteca para gobernar, pero eventualmente la gente se rebela. En la noche triste, los aztecas atacan en una rebelión grande, y los españoles huyen de la ciudad. Cientos mueren.

Pero Cortés escapa y regresa a Tlaxcala. Más tarde, él vuelve a Tenochtitlán con muchísimas fuerzas. Después de un sitio terrible, la ciudad está derrotada, y los aztecas con ella.

In 1519 the Spanish control many Caribbean islands, but they know that there are many lands and riches on the continent. Disobeying his governor and brother-in-law, Hernán Cortés embarks from Cuba with 11 ships and 630 Spaniards. He also brings hundreds of Cubans and Africans.

After arriving in Mexico, Cortés destroys 10 of his ships, because some of his men want to leave. The last boat Cortés fills with gold for the king of Spain in order to buy his pardon.

Using diplomacy, promises, threats and force, Cortés begins to conquer the region. Sometimes the native people begin the battles. But sometimes the Spaniards massacre a great number of Indians, like in Cholula, where they burn the city and kill thousands of natives without provocation. The Indians that are enemies of the Aztecs, such as the natives of Tlaxcala, become allies with the Spaniards.

The Aztecs hear about the Spanish, and they send messengers with much gold. They try to convince Cortés not to go to Tenochtitlán, their capital city. But the gold and the humble manner of the messengers have the opposite effect. Cortés directs his conquest always towards that city.

The Spaniards and their allies arrive in Tenochtitlán, which is one of the biggest cities in the world in that day. It is a city built on top of a lake. The emperor Montezuma is afraid of them, possibly believing that they are gods. The Aztecs receive them peacefully.

But a small time later, they begin to have problems, and Cortés takes Montezuma prisoner. He uses the emperor to govern, but eventually the people rebel. On the Sad Night, the Aztecs attack in a huge rebellion, and the Spaniards flee from the city. Hundreds die.

But Cortés escapes and returns to Tlaxcala. Later, he returns to Tenochtitlán with many forces. After a terrible siege, the city is defeated, and the Aztecs with it.

Preguntas Básicas

1. Who disobeyed orders to lead the first expedition in the area that is now Mexico?

2. What was the Noche Triste?

3. How did Cortés take Mexico City (Tenochtitlán) the second time?