Bible Lesson 20

El Perdón – Forgiveness

This passage assumes that Christians will offend and hurt each other sometimes. It even assumes that sometimes, a church member will be found to be living in serious sin. Jesus tells us how to deal with this lovingly and tactfully; first go alone to talk to him or her, and if the person repents, then forgive and drop the matter. Case closed, and a happy ending!

But Jesus also instructs us on what to do if a person does not repent of serious sin, including the last resort: cease to treat that person as a member of the family of Christ. This may sound terribly harsh, but the passage goes on to show us the heart of God: ready to forgive over, and over, and over again. And we are to be such forgivers as well!

May we all be so moved by the forgiveness and grace of God that we are glad to extend forgiveness to others who offend us. How dare we refuse, when we have been shown such mercy!

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

An *asterisk indicates that the word has a special note. Click on it to see the note.

Si tu hermano peca contra ti, ve a solas con él y hazle ver su falta. Si te hace caso, has ganado a tu hermano. Pero si no, lleva contigo a uno o dos más, para que “todo asunto se resuelva mediante el testimonio de dos o tres testigos”. Si se niega a hacerles caso a ellos, díselo a la iglesia; y si incluso a la iglesia no le hace caso, trátalo como si fuera un incrédulo o un renegado.

»Les aseguro que todo lo que ustedes aten en la tierra quedará atado en el cielo, y todo lo que desaten en la tierra quedará desatado en el cielo.

»Además les digo que si dos de ustedes en la tierra se ponen de acuerdo sobre cualquier cosa que pidan, les será concedida por mi Padre que está en el cielo. Porque donde dos o tres se reúnen en mi nombre, allí estoy yo en medio de ellos.

Pedro se acercó a Jesús y le preguntó:

—Señor, ¿cuántas veces tengo que perdonar a mi hermano que peca contra mí? ¿Hasta siete veces?

—No te digo que hasta siete veces, sino hasta setenta y siete veces —le contestó Jesús—.

»Por eso el reino de los cielos se parece a un rey que quiso ajustar cuentas con sus siervos. Al comenzar a hacerlo, se le presentó uno que le debía miles y miles de monedas de oro. Como él no tenía con qué pagar, el señor mandó que lo vendieran a él, a su esposa y a sus hijos, y todo lo que tenía, para así saldar la deuda. El siervo se postró delante de él. “Tenga paciencia conmigo —le rogó—, y se lo pagaré todo.” El señor se compadeció de su siervo, le perdonó la deuda y lo dejó en libertad.

»Al salir, aquel siervo se encontró con uno de sus compañeros que le debía cien monedas de plata. Lo agarró por el cuello y comenzó a estrangularlo. “¡Págame lo que me debes!”, le exigió. Su compañero se postró delante de él. “Ten paciencia conmigo —le rogó—, y te lo pagaré.” Pero él se negó. Más bien fue y lo hizo meter en la cárcel hasta que pagara la deuda. Cuando los demás siervos vieron lo ocurrido, se entristecieron mucho y fueron a contarle a su señor todo lo que había sucedido. Entonces el señor mandó llamar al siervo. “¡Siervo malvado! —le increpó—. Te perdoné toda aquella deuda porque me lo suplicaste. ¿No debías tú también haberte compadecido de tu compañero, así como yo me compadecí de ti?” Y enojado, su señor lo entregó a los carceleros para que lo torturaran hasta que pagara todo lo que debía.

»Así también mi Padre celestial los tratará a ustedes, a menos que cada uno perdone de corazón a su hermano.

If your brother sins against you, go alone with him and make him see his fault. If he pays you attention, you have won your brother. But if not, bring with you one or two more, so that “every matter be resolved through the testimony of two or three witnesses.” If he refuses to pay them attention, tell it to the church; and if even to the church he doesn’t listen, treat him as if he were an unbeliever or a renegade.

I assure you all that whatever you bind on earth with be bound in heaven, and everything you unbind on earth will be unbound in heaven.

What’s more, I tell you that if two of you on the earth agree about whatever thing you request, it will be given by my Father who is in heaven. Because where two or three get together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Peter approached Jesus and asked him,

“Lord, how many times do I have to forgive my brother that sins against me? Up to seven times?”

“I don’t tell you that up to seven times, but up to seventy and seven times” Jesus answered him.

“Therefore the kingdom of heaven resembles a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. Upon beginning to do it, there was presented to him one who owed thousands and thousands of gold coins. Since he didn’t have anything to pay with, the ruler commanded that they sell him, his wife and his children, and all he had, to thus pay off the debt. The servant bowed before him. “Have patience with me” he pleaded, “and I will pay you all.” The master had compassion on his servant, forgave him the debt and left him free.

“Upon leaving, that servant found one of his companions who owed him 100 silver coins. He grabbed him by the neck and began to strangle him. “Pay me what you owe me!” he demanded. His companion bowed before him. “Have patience with me” he pleaded, “and I will pay you it.” But he refused. Rather he went and had him thrown into prison until he pay the debt. When the other servants saw what happened, they were very sad and went to tell the master all that had happened. Then the master sent for the servant. “Wicked servant!” he rebuked him. “I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. Shouldn’t you also have had compassion on your companion, just as I had compassion on you?” And angry, his master handed him to the jailers so that they torture him until he pay all that he owed.

Thus also my heavenly Father will treat you, unless each one forgives his brother from the heart.

The Unmerciful Servant, by Willem Drost, c. 1650. Dutch painter.

The Unmerciful Servant, by Willem Drost, c. 1650. Dutch painter.

Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, stained glass window in Scot's Church, Melbourne.

Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, stained glass window in Scot’s Church, Melbourne.

The Unmerciful Servant. From "Mother Stories from the New Testament" (Anonymous)

The Unmerciful Servant. From “Mother Stories from the New Testament” (Anonymous)