Bible Lesson 28

Jesús en el Jardín – Jesus in the Garden

Having washed his disciples’ feet, eaten the dinner with them, and prayed for them, Jesus now goes out to one of his favorite places: the Garden of Gethsemane. We see him in true agony here, knowing he was about to suffer horrific torture and death. Why did he go on?

Primarily, to complete the Father’s will.

But also, for me and for you – for those the Father desired to save.

May we also be thoroughly dedicated to the will of the Father, and be ready to sacrifice ourselves for others.

In this scene it is so amazingly clear that Jesus is in complete control. He calls it the hour when the shadows reign. Yet it is only a short hour, and they only reign with his own permission!

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Jesús salió de la ciudad y, como de costumbre, se dirigió al monte de los Olivos, y sus discípulos lo siguieron. Cuando llegaron al lugar, les dijo: «Oren para que no caigan en tentación.» Entonces se separó de ellos a una buena distancia, se arrodilló y empezó a orar: «Padre, si quieres, no me hagas beber este trago amargo; pero no se cumpla mi voluntad, sino la tuya.» Entonces se le apareció un ángel del cielo para fortalecerlo. Pero, como estaba angustiado, se puso a orar con más fervor, y su sudor era como gotas de sangre que caían a tierra.

Cuando terminó de orar y volvió a los discípulos, los encontró dormidos, agotados por la tristeza. «¿Por qué están durmiendo? —les exhortó—. Levántense y oren para que no caigan en tentación.»

Todavía estaba hablando Jesús cuando se apareció una turba, y al frente iba uno de los doce, el que se llamaba Judas. Éste se acercó a Jesús para besarlo, pero Jesús le preguntó: —Judas, ¿con un beso traicionas al Hijo del hombre?

Los discípulos que lo rodeaban, al darse cuenta de lo que pasaba, dijeron: —Señor, ¿atacamos con la espada?

Y uno de ellos hirió al siervo del sumo sacerdote, cortándole la oreja derecha.

—¡Déjenlos! —ordenó Jesús.

Entonces le tocó la oreja al hombre, y lo sanó. Luego dijo a los jefes de los sacerdotes, a los capitanes del templo y a los ancianos, que habían venido a prenderlo: —¿Acaso soy un bandido, para que vengan contra mí con espadas y palos? Todos los días estaba con ustedes en el templo, y no se atrevieron a ponerme las manos encima. Pero ya ha llegado la hora de ustedes, cuando reinan las tinieblas.

Jesus left the city and, as was his custom, he directed himself to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. When they arrived at the place, he said to them, “Pray so that you do not fall into temptation.” Then he separated himself from them at a good distance, he knelt and he began to pray, “Father, if you will, don’t make me drink this bitter cup; but not my will be done, but rather yours.” Then there appeared to him an angel from heaven to strengthen him. But, since he was in anguish, he began to pray with more fervor, and his sweat was like drops of blood that fell to the earth.

When he finished praying and returned to the disciples, he found them asleep, worn out by sadness. “Why are you sleeping” he exhorted them. “Get up and pray so that you do not fall into temptation.”

Jesus was still speaking when a mob appeared, and in front of it went one of the twelve, he who was called Judas. He approached Jesus to kiss him, but Jesus asked him, “Judas, with a kiss do you betray the Son of Man?”

The disciples who surrounded him, when they realized what was happening, said, “Lord, do we attack with the sword?”

And one of them wounded the high priest’s servant, cutting of his right ear.

“Leave them!” ordered Jesus.

Then he touched the ear of the man, and he healed him. Then he said to the chief priests, and to the temple guards and to the elders, who had come to take him, “Am I a bandit, so that you come against me with swords and clubs? Every day I was with you in the temple, and you didn’t dare to put your hands on me. But now has come your hour, when the shadows reign.

the Agony in the Garden, by Vittore Carpaccio, 1502

The Agony in the Garden, by Vittore Carpaccio, 1502

The Agony in the Garden, by El Greco, 1605

The Agony in the Garden, by El Greco, 1605

Arrest of Christ, by Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1538. German painter. Painting done on wood.

Arrest of Christ, by Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1538. German painter. Painting done on wood.