History Lesson 25

Latinoamérica en la Segunda Guerra Mundial – Latin America in WW2

When Hitler’s Germany began to take over Europe and then declared War against Great Britain, the countries of North America again wanted to remain neutral. Many had strong economic ties with Germany. Additionally, many German and Italian immigrants lived in these countries. Finally, some countries even had fascist-leaning governments who had more in common with Germany than with the United States.

When the United States entered the war, however, this began a domino effect, just like in World War I. America’s closest allies declared war immediately. Some countries declared war a year or two later. A few countries didn’t declare war against Germany until a few months before it ended, and only then because of strong international pressure to do so.

Though the total number of Latin American troops was not huge in the overall scope of the war, the impact that their support made was tremendous (at least in some cases). And even if the support of some nations was not vital, at least they were prevented from supporting the Axis powers.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Antes de 1941, Canadá era el único país en las Américas que declaró la guerra contra las Potencias del Eje (Alemania, Japón e Italia). Pero el ataque contra Pearl Harbor cambió muchas cosas.

Cuando Estados Unidos declaró la guerra, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, la República Dominicana, El Salvador, Honduras y Nicaragua hicieron igual. Venezuela y Guatemala cortaron las relaciones diplomáticas, pero no declararon la guerra inmediatamente. En realidad, ningunos de estos países ayudaron directamente de una manera militar, pero su apoyo era importante.

Colombia ayudó a proteger el Canal de Panamá, el cual era vital para los aliados. También ellos exportaron mucho petróleo. Honduras suministró mucha comida y otros recursos. La base militar de la Bahía de Guantánamo en Cuba fue esencial.

Algunos países no querían entrar en la guerra inmediatamente, pero juntaron más tarde. México declaró la guerra en 1942, cuando dos de sus naves habían sido atacados por submarinos alemanes. México era un aliado importante, suministrando muchos recursos valiosos. Durante este tiempo, Estados Unidos ayudó a México a modernizar el país de muchas formas, y la relación entre los dos países mejoró. Miles de mexicanos pelearon por Estados Unidos en la guerra, y un escuadrón de la fuerza aérea mexicana entró en combate también.

Brasil entró la guerra después de algunos ataques alemanes. Ellos enviaron a 25.000 soldados para pelear, y también patrullaron la costa de Sudamérica. Además, Brasil ofreció unas bases militares, los cuales fueron muy importantes en la guerra contra Alemania en África.

Durante estos años muchos inmigrantes alemanes e italianos vivían en Centroamérica y Sudamérica. Muchos países detuvieron a los alemanes e italianos en campamentos, o los enviaron a Estados Unidos para ser detenidos. Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Venezuela, El Salvador y otros países hicieron esto.

Argentina quería quedarse neutral y mejorar su economía, vendiendo los bienes a ambos lados del conflicto. Pero ellos cooperaron más con los aliados, especialmente contra las espías alemanes.

El gobierno de Paraguay tenía mucho en común con Alemania, y muchos de sus ciudadanos apoyaban los Nazis. Es posible que se hubieran aliado con las Potencias del Eje, pero Estados Unidos compró su lealtad con ayuda financiera y militar.

Venezuela quiso mantener la neutralidad, pero Alemania hizo planes para capturar sus recursos petroleros, y el país aceptó la ayuda de Estados Unidos.

Es importante reconocer cuantos latinoamericanos participaron y pelearon en la guerra como voluntarios: muchos pilotos de Uruguay, 4.000 soldados argentinos, 112 dominicanos y muchos otros contribuyeron a la causa aliada. Incluyendo ciudadanos de Estados Unidos, más de 250.000 latinoamericanos sirvieron en las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses.

Before 1941, Canada was the only country in the Americas that declared war against the Axis powers (Germany, Japan and Italy). But the attack against Pearl Harbor changed many things.

When the United States declared war, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua did the same. Venezuela and Guatemala cut off diplomatic relations, but did not declare war immediately. In reality, none of these countries helped directly in a military manner, but their support was important.

Columbia helped to protect the Panama Canal, which was vital for the Allies. Also they exported a lot of petroleum. Honduras provided a lot of food and other resources. The military base in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba was essential.

Some countries didn’t want to enter the war immediately, but joined later. Mexico declared war in 1942, when two of their ships had been attacked by German submarines. Mexico was an important ally, supplying many valuable resources. During this time, the United States helped Mexico modernize the country in many ways, and the relationship between the two countries improved. Thousands of Mexicans fought for the United States in the war, and a squadron form the Mexican Air Force entered into combat as well.

Brazil entered the war after some German attacks. They sent 25,000 soldiers to fight, and also they patrolled the coast of South America. Additionally, Brazil offered some military bases, which were very important in the *war against Germany in AfricaThough this might seem odd at first, Brazil is the closest place on the American continent to the areas where Germany was fighting in Africa. This made the Brazilian military bases very helpful in that part of the war..

During these years many German and Italian immigrants lived in Central and South America. Many countries detained the Germans and Italians in concentration camps, or sent them to the United States to be held. Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, Venezuela, El Salvador and other countries did this.

Argentina wanted to remain neutral and improve its economy, selling goods to both sides of the conflict. But they cooperated more with the Allies, especially against German spies.

The government of Paraguay had a lot in common with Germany, and many of its citizens supported the Nazis. It is possible that they would have allied themselves with the Axis powers, but the United States bought their loyalty with financial and military aid.

Venezuela wanted to maintain neutrality, but Germany made plans to capture their oil resources, and the country accepted the help of the United States.

It is important to recognize how many Latin Americans participated and fought in the war as volunteers: many pilots from Uruguay, 4,000 Argentinian soldiers, 112 Dominicans, and many others contributed to the Allied cause. Including citizens of the United States, more than 250,000 Latin Americans served in the American armed forces.

Preguntas Básicas

1. How did Columbia help the Allies in World War II?

2. Who offered military bases that helped in the African theater of the war?

3. Did many Latin Americans volunteer to serve in the Unites States armed forces during World War II?