History Lesson 28

El Socialismo en Latinoamérica – Socialism in Latin America, part 3

Despite the efforts of the United States, socialism has taken a deep root in Latin America, and it continues to be a popular philosophy in many areas. As long as extreme poverty and inequality exist, there will be groups who claim that socialism is the best answer to humanity’s problems.

Some socialist governments are making very good progress in fighting social evils in Latin America, with excellent success. Others, however, are only taking advantage of the socialist philosophy as an excuse to take more power and control.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

En los años entre 1945 y 1990, muchos gobiernos subieron y cayeron en Latinoamérica. Estados Unidos apoyó golpes de estado en Guatemala, la República Dominicana, Chile y Brasil. También hubo una dictadura terrible en la Argentina, la cual «desapareció» a 30.000 personas. La mayoría fueron detenidos en campamentos, pero 13.000 fueron matados por su oposición al gobierno – un gobierno que Estados Unidos apoyó. En El Salvador, Estados Unidos apoyó un gobierno militar durante una guerra civil de 13 años. Este gobierno cometió masacres de miles de civiles inocentes, y usó el militar de niños y la tortura. Más de 70.000 personas fueron matadas, y un quinto de la población quedó sin hogar.

Tal vez el gobierno de Estados Unidos tenía la intención de ayudar a la gente de estos países. También, unos de los grupos que Estados Unidos oponía eran verdaderamente despreciables. Sin embargo, los grupos socialistas tenían razón acerca de varias cosas, y peleaban contra injusticias reales.

Hoy en día, el socialismo sigue siendo popular en mucho de Latinoamérica, con varios gobiernos elegidos democráticamente. Venezuela ha sido un líder importante en esto. Hugo Chávez, el presidente que murió en 2013, nacionalizó varias industrias, prometiendo que eliminaría la pobreza. Pero su gobierno también fue caracterizado por la opresión, elecciones falsificadas y la corrupción. Chávez era gran amigo de Fidel Castro.

En Nicaragua, el partido Sandinista fue elegido otra vez, y el previo dictador, Daniel Ortega, sigue con una forma de socialismo más moderada de lo que tenía antes. Sus amigos en la Asamblea Nacional cambiaron la constitución del país para que Ortega pudiera seguir siendo el presidente por más de dos términos.

El presidente boliviano, Evo Morales, es un indio de la tribu Aymara, quien ha sido muy popular. Él ha reducido la deuda nacional y la pobreza, ha eliminado el analfabetismo, y ha mejorado la posición cultural de la gente indígena. En adición, Morales ha nacionalizado varias industrias importantes, y es fuertemente anti-imperialista. Ecuador también tiene un gobierno socialista, dirigido por Rafael Correa.

Otro sentimiento que muchas veces va de la mano con el socialismo es el antiamericanismo. Mucha gente todavía está enojada a causa de la intervención de Estados Unidos en los asuntos locales. No es sólo las acciones militares, sino también la manipulación económica y otras formas de presión política.

Sin embargo, Estados Unidos sigue siendo un aliado importante en cuanto a la economía, el turismo, la inmigración, la tecnología y la ayuda financiera.

In the years between 1945 and 1990, many governments rose and fell in Latin America. The United States supported hostile takeovers in Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Chile and Brazil. Also there was a terrible dictatorship in Argentina, which “disappeared” fore than 30,000 people. The majority were detained in concentration camps, but 13,000 were killed for their opposition to the government – a government that the United States supported. In El Salvador, the United States supported a military government throughout 13 years of civil war. This government committed massacres of thousands of innocent civilians, and used child soldiers and torture. More than 70,000 people were killed, and one fifth of the population ended up homeless.

It could be that the government of the United States had the intention of helping the people of these countries. Also, some of the groups that the United States opposed were truly despicable. Nevertheless, the socialist groups were right about some things, and they fought against real injustices.

These days, socialism continues being popular in much of Latin America, with various democratically elected governments. Venezuela has been an important leader in this. Hugo Chavez, the president who died in 2013, nationalized various industries, promising that he would eliminate poverty. But his government was also characterized by oppression, falsified elections and corruption. Chavez was a close friend of Fidel Castro.

In Nicaragua, the Sandinista Party was elected again, and the previous dictator, Daniel Ortega, continues with a more moderate form of socialism than what he had before. His friends on the National Assembly changed the constitution of the country so that Ortega could continue being president for more than two terms.

The Bolivian president, Evo Morales, is an Indian from the Aymara tribe, who has been very popular. He has reduced the national debt and poverty, eliminated illiteracy, and improved the cultural standing of the indigenous peoples. In addition, Morales has nationalized several important industries, and he is strongly anti-imperialist. Ecuador also has a socialist government, directed by Rafael Correa.

Another sentiment that often goes hand in hand with socialism is anti-Americanism. Many people are still angry because of the intervention of the United States in local affairs. It is not only military actions, but also economic manipulation and other forms of political pressure.

Nevertheless, the United States continues to be an important ally in regard to the economy, tourism, immigration, technology and financial assistance.

Preguntas Básicas

1. Who is Daniel Ortega?

2. Who is Evo Morales, and what has he accomplished?

3. What are some of the reasons for anti-Americanism in Latin America?