History Lesson 4

El Catolicismo en España – Catholicism in Spain

We take a brief pause from the chronological history to reflect on the historical importance of the Reconquista, specifically as it regards religion.

Christianity came to Spain with the Romans and remained with the Visigoths. During the Islamic period, Christianity was subjugated, but not wiped out. In fact, in many Islamic kingdoms, Christianity was well-tolerated, and many Christians lived peaceful and comfortable lives. After the Reconquest, Catholicism was again dominant, and it has been so ever since. This gives Spain approximately 1700 years of Christian/Catholic history, which can’t help but have a profound impact on the culture.

Unfortunately, the majority of Spaniards are post-Christian, in the sense that they feel they have “progressed” beyond it. While Catholic in name, they almost never attend mass and they don’t know (or care) much about the teachings of the Bible. Nevertheless, they continue to hold eagerly to many of the artistic and cultural elements of their Catholic heritage.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Durante la época medieval, la inquisición española usa la fuerza y el temor para controlar a la gente, incluyendo la tortura y la confiscación de propiedad. Los judíos y musulmanes sufren mucho, pero también algunos españoles inocentes son acusados sin razón por motivos políticos.

Con el apoyo de la Corona y la Inquisición, la iglesia católica es la primaria influencia cultural, y la sola influencia religiosa. Cuando la Reforma protestante crea desacuerdo profundo en toda Europa, apenas existe en España. Durante cientos de años, la iglesia tiene dominio increíble.

Más tarde, la Corona y la iglesia compiten para poder y control, y poco a poco, los reyes ganan más influencia. Una razón es que la Ilustración empieza a crear dudas y falta de confianza en la iglesia católica. Entonces, cuando Napoleón conquista el país y nombra a su hermano como el nuevo rey, él abole la Inquisición.

Hoy en día, el 92% de los españoles dicen que son católicos, pero solo el 19% de los católicos oyen la misa regularmente. Aunque respetan las tradiciones y los aspectos culturales de la iglesia, ellos ni aceptan ni obedecen sus enseñanzas.

Lo que los españoles todavía aman acerca de su religión son el arte y la tradición. Por ejemplo, durante Semana Santa, muchos españoles buscan la oportunidad de participar en los pasos solemnes, caminando descalzos por las calles por muchas horas, llevando velas o estatuas de Jesús y María. También, más de 100,000 personas se hacen peregrinos cada año, caminando muchos días para llegar a la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela.

Tal vez la influencia más grande que la iglesia española tiene hoy es que cuida muchos de los tesoros culturales del país. Las muchas catedrales y capillas bellas e impresionantes atraen a miles de visitantes cada año. También, la iglesia tiene muchas obras de artistas famosas, como Diego Velázquez y El Greco.

During the Medieval period, the Spanish Inquisition uses force and fear to control the people, including torture and the confiscation of property. The Jews and Muslims suffer greatly, but also some innocent Spaniards are accused without cause for political reasons.

With the support of the Crown and the Inquisition, the Catholic Church is the primary cultural influence, and the only religious influence. When the Protestant Reformation creates deep disagreement in all of Europe, it barely exists in Spain. During hundreds of years, the church has incredible dominion.

Later, the Crown and the church compete for power and control, and little by little, the kings win more influence. One reason is that the Enlightenment begins to create doubts and lack of confidence in the Catholic Church. Then, when Napoleon conquers the country and names his brother as the new king, he abolishes the Inquisition.

These days, 92% of Spaniards say that they are Catholic, but only 19% of Catholics attend mass regularly. Although they respect the traditions and cultural aspects of the church, they neither accept nor obey its teachings.

That which the Spaniards still love about their religion is the art and the tradition. For example, during Holy Week, many Spaniards seek the opportunity to participate in solemn processions, walking barefoot through the streets for many hours, carrying candle or statues of Jesus and Mary. Also, more than 100,000 people become pilgrims each year, walking many days to arrive at the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

Maybe the greatest influence that the Spanish church has today is that it cares for many of the cultural treasures of the country. The many beautiful cathedrals and chapels attract thousands of visitors each year. Also, the church has many works of famous artists, such as Diego Velazquez and El Greco.

Preguntas Básicas

1. How was the Spanish Inquisition ended?

2. What aspects of the Catholic faith do most Spaniards ignore or reject?

3. What aspects of the Catholic tradition do most Spaniards value and celebrate?