History Lesson 21

La Revolución Mexicana – The Mexican Revolution

The Mexican Revolution was an especially tumultuous time in a the tumultuous history of the nation. As with many revolutions, the original factor that united the revolutionaries was a deep, violent dissatisfaction with the way things were.

The problem, however, is that once those former powers are no longer in control, the successful revolutionaries are faced with the tougher question: What next?

Another common revolutionary problem is a simple one: traitors betray. If someone was willing to turn against the old government, they’ll be even more likely to turn against the new one if they’re unhappy.

Was there good achieved? Absolutely. But at a very high cost!

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Después de su independencia en 1821, México cambió su presidente 75 veces en 55 años. La inestabilidad política y la falta de buena organización contribuyeron a una economía terrible y a otros problemas. Varias reformas y guerras produjeron algunos cambios, pero nada duró. Casi toda la tierra pertenecía a las familias ricas e importantes, y también la iglesia católica tenía mucho poder y tierra.

El Porfiriato es el periodo desde 1876 hasta 1910 cuando Porfirio Díaz gobernó el país con una dictadura completa. Él se hizo presidente cuando se rebeló contra el presidente elegido, Sebastián Lerdo. Su fuerte administración trajo condiciones mejores en muchas áreas, incluyendo la salud, la industria, el transporte y la economía. Pero dos problemas grandes existían ya: la democracia fue ignorada, y toda la riqueza y tierra todavía quedaban en las manos de unas familias importantes.

Los campesinos empezaron a rebelarse y a combatir contra los ricos y los gobiernos locales en los años 1900, pero fue la elección de 1910 que comenzó la Revolución Mexicana. El presidente falsificó los resultados de la elección y encarceló a su adversario, Francisco I Madero. Madero escapó de la cárcel, y con la ayuda de Pancho Villa, Pascual Orozco y Venustiano Carranza, él dirigió el país en la revolución.

Díaz renunció a la presidencia en 1911, y Madero se hizo presidente. Resultó más turbulencia, y Madero fue asesinado en 1913. Carranza se hizo presidente en 1915, y la constitución que él formó en 1917 ha seguido en efecto desde entonces.

Álvaro Obregón, un viejo aliado de Carranza, lo asesinó en 1920 y se hizo presidente. Obregón y su sucesor, Plutarco Elías Calles, empezaron un periodo de cambios dramáticos. Ellos tomaron las tierras de las empresas estadounidenses y las distribuyeron a otros. Ellos limitaron la iglesia católica, y persiguieron a los sacerdotes. Los derechos civiles y la educación fueron avances importantes de su época.

En 1929, Calles formó el Partido Nacional Mexicano (PNM), un partido democrático, que controló la presidencia hasta el año 2000.

After its independence in 1821, Mexico changed its president 75 times in 55 years. The political instability and the lack of good organization contributed to a terrible economy and other problems. Various reforms and wars produced some changes, but nothing lasted. Almost all the land belonged to the rich, important families, and also the Catholic Church had a lot of power and land.

The Porfiriato is the period from 1876 to 1910 when Porfirio Diaz governed the country with a complete dictatorship. He made himself president when he rebelled against the elected president, Sebastian Lerdo. His strong administration brought better conditions in many areas, including health, industry, transportation and the economy. But two big problems still existed: democracy was ignored, and all of the wealth and land remained in the hands of a few important families.

The peasants began to rebel and to fight against the rich and the local governments in the 1900’s, but it was the election of 1910 that began the Mexican Revolution. The president falsified the results of the election and jailed his adversary, Francisco I Madero. Madero escaped prison, and with the help of Pancho Villa, Pascual Orozco and Venustiano Carranza, he led the country in revolution.

Diaz renounced the presidency in 1911, and Madero became president. More turbulence resulted, and Madero was assassinated in 1913. Carranza became president in 1915, and the constitution that he formed in 1917 has continued in effect since then.

Alvaro Obregon, a former ally of Carranza, killed him in 1920 and made himself president. Obregon and his successor, Plutarco Elias Calles, began a period of drastic changes. They took the lands of American businesses and distributed them to others. They limited the Catholic Church, and persecuted priests. Civil rights and education were important advances of this era.

In 1929 Calles formed the National Mexican Party (PNM), a democratic party, which controlled the presidency until the year 2000.

Preguntas Básicas

1. What were the conditions that caused such unhappiness that the Mexican Revolution could take place?

2. What event sparked the Revolution?

3. What were the major reforms brought about after the revolution by Obregon and Calles?