History Lesson 14

La Iglesia Católica en Latinoamérica   –   The Catholic Church in Latin America

One of the most undeniable and lasting influences that the Spaniards had on Latin America is the prevalence of Catholicism. Millions of Hispanics have biblical names (José = Joseph, María = Mary, Pedro = Peter, Juan = John, Mateo, Lucas, Marcos, Marta…). Paintings, prints and statues of Mary can be found in the homes of millions of Latinos, along with rosaries and other items.

Many of the most important events in the life of Latinos involve their Catholic heritage. Even for those families who are not authentically Catholic believers, still their christening, first communion, quinceañera, wedding, last rites and funeral are essential aspects of their lives and culture.

That is not to say that the Catholic Church has a spotless record in regard to the Hispanic peoples. The works of mercy and the words of truth have also been obscured by evils committed by those in the church, and by the church’s cooperation with the conquering and colonial governments.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

En las políticas de España, la causa misionera fue una razón importante por la colonización. Cada grupo de conquistadores llegó con sacerdotes para evangelizar a la gente. Unas prácticas terribles, como el sacrificio humano, fueron abolidas, y la gente fue introducida a la verdad de Cristo. Pero muchos de los bautismos fueron forzados o apresurados. También la violencia y el maltrato que muchos indios sufrieron crearon un mensaje contradictorio.

En todas las colonias españolas, la iglesia católica estableció misiones y envió a sus sacerdotes. En los cientos de años que siguieron, la iglesia tuvo éxito increíble en difundir sus creencias. Hoy los países de Centroamérica y Sudamérica son desde 75% hasta 90% católicos, y las tradiciones y morales de la iglesia son muy importantes a la gente hispana.

Durante los últimos 500 años la iglesia ha hecho muchas cosas beneficiosas para la gente hispana. La educación, los orfanatorios, la caridad y los programas de desarrollo – mucha gente debe su bienestar a la iglesia.

Pero el catolicismo también tuvo problemas Latinoamérica, y muchos efectos de esto todavía se sienten hoy. Un asunto es el resentimiento que mucha gente indígena tiene contra los españoles y su religión. De su perspectiva, los españoles robaron su tierra, mataron a su gente y cambió su manera de vivir por completo. Muchos consideran que el catolicismo es la religión de los extranjeros y los opresores. Desafortunadamente, la iglesia también tiene una historia de escándalo y abuso de menores, la cual daña la confianza y crea mucho enojo contra la iglesia.

Otro problema es la mezcla de tradiciones indígenas con las enseñanzas católicas. La fe de algunos hispanos es solamente la superstición, una mezcla confusa de velas, ofrendas y oraciones para los santos, la Virgen María, los muertos y los objetos religiosos. El día de muertos, un rito anual en México, es un ejemplo perfecto de esto, en el cual la gente visita las tumbas de sus antepasados y ofrecen comida y regalos.

In the policies of Spain, the missionary cause was an important reason for colonization. Each group of conquistadors arrived with priests to evangelize the people. Some terrible practices, such as human sacrifice, were abolished, and the people were introduced to the truth of Christ. But many of the baptisms were forced or pressured. Also the violence and mistreatment that many Indians suffered created a contradictory message.

In all of the Spanish colonies, the Catholic Church established missions and sent their priests. In the hundreds of years which followed, the church had incredible success in spreading its beliefs. Today the countries of Central and South America are from 75% to 90% Catholic, and the traditions and morals of the church are very important to the Hispanic people.

During the last 500 years the church has done many beneficial things for the Hispanic people. Education, orphanages, charity and development programs – many people owe their well-being to the church.

But Catholicism also had problems in Latin America, and many effects of this are still felt today. One issue is the resentment that many indigenous people have against the Spaniards and their religion. From their perspective, the Spanish stole their land, killed their people and changed their way of life completely. Many consider Catholicism to be the religion of foreigners and oppressors.

Unfortunately, the church also has a history of scandal and child abuse, which damages trust and creates much anger against the church.

Another problem is the mixture of native traditions with Catholic teachings. The faith of some Hispanics is only superstition, a confused mixture of candles, offerings and prayers for the saints, the Virgin Mary, the dead and religious objects. The day of the dead, an annual ritual in Mexico, is a perfect example of this, in which the people visit the tombs of their ancestors and offer food and gifts.

Preguntas Básicas

1. When did the Catholic Church first come to the Americas and begin making converts?

2. What are some of the great successes of the Catholic Church in Latin America?

3. What are some reasons many Hispanics resent the Catholic Church?