Bible Lesson 4

El Nacimiento de Jesus – The Birth of Jesus

Most of us have heard the birth story from Luke 2 so many times that we could recite it without ever having tried to memorize it. One of the wonderful things to remember about this text is that it comes in the gospel of Luke, who wrote an “orderly account” based on the testimony of “eyewitnesses and ministers of the word.”

In other words, this is not a fairy tale. It is historical fact!

Enjoy the contrast of glory and humility: a heavenly army lights up the sky, announcing the birth of the King in a spectacular anthem. Meanwhile, a poor baby lies in the straw in a feeding trough!

One fun note: the word “envolvió” in verse 7, which means “wrapped,” is the same word used in verse 9. The glory of the Lord wrapped the shepherds in light, the same way Mary wrapped Jesus in rags. It’s also the same word used in chapter 23, when Joseph of Arimathea wrapped Jesus’ body and laid him in the tomb.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Por aquellos días Augusto César decretó que se levantara un censo en todo el imperio romano. (Este primer censo se efectuó cuando Cirenio gobernaba en Siria.)  Así que iban todos a inscribirse, cada cual a su propio pueblo.

También José, que era descendiente del rey David, subió de Nazaret, ciudad de Galilea, a Judea. Fue a Belén, la ciudad de David,  para inscribirse junto con María su esposa. Ella se encontraba encinta  y, mientras estaban allí, se le cumplió el tiempo.  Así que dio a luz a su hijo primogénito. Lo envolvió en pañales y lo acostó en un pesebre, porque no había lugar para ellos en la posada.

En esa misma región había unos pastores que pasaban la noche en el campo, turnándose para cuidar sus rebaños. Sucedió que un ángel del Señor se les apareció. La gloria del Señor los envolvió en su luz, y se llenaron de temor.  Pero el ángel les dijo: «No tengan miedo. Miren que les traigo buenas noticias que serán motivo de mucha alegría para todo el pueblo.  Hoy les ha nacido en la ciudad de David un Salvador, que es Cristo el Señor.  Esto les servirá de señal: Encontrarán a un niño envuelto en pañales y acostado en un pesebre.»

De repente apareció una multitud de ángeles del cielo, que alababan a Dios y decían:

«Gloria a Dios en las alturas, y en la tierra paz a los que gozan de su buena voluntad.»

Cuando los ángeles se fueron al cielo, los pastores se dijeron unos a otros: «Vamos a Belén, a ver esto que ha pasado y que el Señor nos ha dado a conocer.»

Así que fueron de prisa y encontraron a María y a José, y al niño que estaba acostado en el pesebre. Cuando vieron al niño, contaron lo que les habían dicho acerca de él, y cuantos lo oyeron se asombraron de lo que los pastores decían. María, por su parte, guardaba todas estas cosas en su corazón y meditaba acerca de ellas.  Los pastores regresaron glorificando y alabando a Dios por lo que habían visto y oído, pues todo sucedió tal como se les había dicho.

In those days Caesar Augustus decreed that there would be carried out a census in all the Roman Empire. (This first census took place when Quirinius governed in Syria.) So everyone went to register, each one to his own town.

Joseph also, who was a descendant of king David, went up to Nazareth, a city of Galilee, to Judea. He went to Bethlehem, the city of David, to register together with Mary, his wife. She found herself pregnant and, while they were there, her time was fulfilled. So she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

In that same region there were some shepherds who were passing the night in the field, taking turns watching over their flocks. It happened that an angel of the Lord appeared to them. The glory of the Lord wrapped them in its light, and they were filled with fear. But the angel said to them: “Don’t be afraid. See that I bring you good news that will be the cause of much happiness for all the people. Today there has been born to you in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. This will serve you as a sign: You will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly there appeared a multitude of angels from heaven, who were praising God and said:

“Glory to God in the heights, and on the earth peace to those who enjoy his good will.”

When the angels went back to heaven, the shepherds said one to another: “Let’s go to Bethlehem, to see this which has happened and that the Lord has given us to know.”

So they went quickly and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby who was lying in the manger. When they saw the child, they told that which had been said to them about Him, and as many as heard it were amazed by that which the shepherds said. Mary, for her part, kept all these things in her heart and meditated about them. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for that which they had seen and heard, since everything happened just as it had been told them.

by John Singleton Copley, born in Boston in 1738.

by John Singleton Copley, born in Boston in 1738.

Govert Flink, a famous Dutch painter, lived from 1615 to 1660. This is his rendition of the Angels appearing to the shepherds. I think the army of angels was probably quite a bit more glorious and terrifying than this image!

Govert Flink, a famous Dutch painter, lived from 1615 to 1660. This is his rendition of the angels appearing to the shepherds. I think the army of angels was probably quite a bit more glorious and terrifying than this image!