History Lesson 7

La Edad de Exploración, Parte 2   –   The Age of Exploration, Part 2

In an age where we have globes and atlases (and now Google Earth), we can explore the world in incredible comfort and safety. Have you ever really tried to imagine yourself like those explorers?

Can you imagine “discovering” a whole ocean? This unbelievably vast expanse of water has existed for ages, and you are the first one from your whole continent to know about it!

Can you picture tramping into the dense rain forest, thick with exotic vegetation, unfamiliar sounds and dangerous animals… not to mention that you have no idea if anyone lives there, and how they’ll treat you if they do!

I’m not sure I would have been up for that kind of exploration!

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Uno de los conquistadores más famosos es Vasco Núñez de Balboa, quien empieza la primera colonia permanente en el continente americano. En 1513, él cruza el territorio de Panamá y ve que hay otro océano. Esta información causa mucha emoción en España.

Aunque el viaje de Colón abre un nuevo continente a la exploración y trae muchas riquezas a su país, los españoles todavía quieren descubrir una ruta al oriente. Pues, en 1519 el rey Carlos I decide financiar el viaje de Fernando de Magallanes. Su meta al principio no es circunnavegar la tierra, sino abrir el intercambio directo con las Islas de Especias en el Océano Indio.

Magallanes embarca con cinco naves y 270 hombres, pero solo una nave y 18 hombres regresan a España 3 años después. Ellos logran pasar el punto sureño de Sudamérica, y son los primeros europeos que navegan el Océano Pacífico. Los españoles capturan las islas filipinas, pero Magallanes muere en la batalla. La expedición pierde 4 barcos a tormentas y motín, y la mayoría de su tripulación muere de guerra, hambre, enfermedad o violencia.

El viaje de Magallanes es un desastre en cuanto a la pérdida de dinero y vida, pero el conocimiento de la geografía que trae es sin precio. Ahora España tiene una ruta a la costa pacífica de América, y también puede llegar al oriente.

La edad de exploración empieza una nueva época de la historia. Pronto, muchos países en Europa están compitiendo para colonizar nuevas regiones y explotar sus recursos. España, Portugal, Francia, Inglaterra, Holanda, Alemania y más se hacen ricos y poderosos con los esclavos, los metales preciosos y los productos agrícolas de sus colonias.

También esta edad trae cambios extremos en los países colonizados, con la introducción de religiones, tecnologías, gobiernos, enfermedades, armas e ideas extranjeras.

One of the most famous conquistadores is Vasco Nuñez de Balboa, who begins the first permanent colony on the American continent. In 1513 he crosses the territory of Panama and sees that there is another ocean. This information causes much excitement in Spain.

Although the voyage of Columbus opens a new continent to exploration and brings many riches to their country, the Spaniards still want to discover a route to the Orient. So, in 1519 king Charles I decides to finance the voyage of Ferdinand Magellan. His goal at the beginning is not to circumnavigate the earth, but rather to open a direct exchange with the Spice Islands in the Indian Ocean.

Magellan embarks with five ships and 270 men, but only one ship and 18 men return to Spain three years later. They manage to pass the southern tip of South America, and they are the first Europeans who sail the Pacific Ocean. The Spanish capture the Philippine Islands, but Magellan dies in the battle. The expedition loses four boats to storms and mutiny, and the majority of the crew dies of war, hunger, sickness or violence.

The voyage of Magellan is a disaster in regard to the loss of money and life, but the knowledge of geography that it brings is priceless. Now Spain has a route to the Pacific coast of America, and also it can arrive in the Orient.

The Age of Exploration begins a new age of history. Soon, many countries in Europe are competing to colonize new regions and exploit their resources. Spain, Portugal, France, England, Holland and more become rich and powerful with slaves, precious metals and agricultural products from their colonies.

Also this age brings extreme changes in the colonized countries, with the introduction of foreign religions, technologies, governments, diseases, weapons and ideas.

Preguntas Básicas

1. Which European first saw the Pacific Ocean, and how did he arrive there?

2. Which explorer first sailed to the Pacific Ocean around the southern tip of South America?

3. Where and how did Magellan die?