Bible Lesson 14

Las primeras parábolas – The first parables

Jesus did a great deal of his teaching in parables, or stories designed to illustrate spiritual truths. Here we see two of his first ones.

In the parable of the soils, we see the deadly danger of the distractions, worries and temptations of this life that can choke out what looked to be a promising faith.

We also see that there is a real enemy who seeks to steal the word of God from our souls.

Let us strive to be the good soil!

Also, let’s seek to be that lamp on a stand; as Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

De cada pueblo salía gente para ver a Jesús, y cuando se reunió una gran multitud, él les contó esta parábola:

«Un sembrador salió a sembrar. Al esparcir la semilla, una parte cayó junto al camino; fue pisoteada, y los pájaros se la comieron. Otra parte cayó sobre las piedras y, cuando brotó, las plantas se secaron por falta de humedad. Otra parte cayó entre espinos que, al crecer junto con la semilla, la ahogaron. Pero otra parte cayó en buen terreno; así que brotó y produjo una cosecha del ciento por uno.»

Dicho esto, exclamó: «El que tenga oídos para oír, que oiga.»

Sus discípulos le preguntaron cuál era el significado de esta parábola. «A ustedes se les ha concedido que conozcan los secretos del reino de Dios —les contestó—; pero a los demás se les habla por medio de parábolas para que

»“aunque miren, no vean; aunque oigan, no entiendan”.

»Éste es el significado de la parábola: La semilla es la palabra de Dios. Los que están junto al camino son los que oyen, pero luego viene el diablo y les quita la palabra del corazón, no sea que crean y se salven. Los que están sobre las piedras son los que reciben la palabra con alegría cuando la oyen, pero no tienen raíz. Éstos creen por algún tiempo, pero se apartan cuando llega la prueba. La parte que cayó entre espinos son los que oyen, pero, con el correr del tiempo, los ahogan las preocupaciones, las riquezas y los placeres de esta vida, y no maduran. Pero la parte que cayó en buen terreno son los que oyen la palabra con corazón noble y bueno, y la retienen; y como perseveran, producen una buena cosecha.

»Nadie enciende una lámpara para después cubrirla con una vasija o ponerla debajo de la cama, sino para ponerla en una repisa, a fin de que los que entren tengan luz. No hay nada escondido que no llegue a descubrirse, ni nada oculto que no llegue a conocerse públicamente. Por lo tanto, pongan mucha atención. Al que tiene, se le dará más; al que no tiene, hasta lo que cree tener se le quitará.»

From each village went out people to see Jesus, and when a great multitude gathered, he told them this parable:

A sower went out to sow. Upon dispersing the seeds, one part next to the path; it was trampled, and the birds ate it up. Another part fell upon the rocks, and when it sprung up, the plants dried out for lack of moisture. Another part fell among thorns that, upon growing along with the seeds, chocked it out. But another part fell on good soil; so it sprung up and produced a harvest of a hundred to one.

Having said this, he exclaimed, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

His disciples asked him what was the meaning of this parable. “To you has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God.” he answered them, “but the rest are spoken to by means of parables, so that:

“‘Although they look, they do not see; Although they hear, they don’t understand.’

“This is the meaning of the parable; The seed is the word of God. Those who are along the path are those who year, but then comes the Devil and takes the word from their hearts, so that they don’t believe and become saved. Those who are on the rocks are those who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. These believe for some time, but they depart when a trial comes. The part that fell among thorns are those who hear, but, with the passage of time, they are choked by the worries, the riches and the pleasures of this life, and they don’t mature. But the part that fell on good soil are those who hear the word with a noble and good heart, and they retain it; and since they persevere, they produce a good harvest.

“Nobody lights a lamp to afterwards cover it with a jar or put it under a bed, but to put it on a stand, so that those who enter have light. There is nothing hidden that will not be uncovered, nor anything hidden that will not be made known publicly. Therefore, pay close attention. To the one who has, more will be given; to the one who has not, even what he thinks he has will be taken away.

The Parable of the Sower. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1557. The Sower is in the lower left corner. Click to see a larger version.
The Parable of the Sower. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1557. The Sower is in the lower left corner. Click to see a larger version.
Sower, by Vincent Van Gogh. 1888
Sower, by Vincent Van Gogh. 1888
Green Ears of Wheat, by Vincent Van Gogh. 1888
Green Ears of Wheat, by Vincent Van Gogh. 1888