Bible Lesson 1

La Gran Perspectiva  –  The Big Picture

This first passage is a big-picture overview of the “life story” of Jesus as the Bible reveals it. It shows us His glory in eternity past, His voluntary submission and humiliation, and His current and future glory.

It is also a reminder of the kind of humility we are to have, and the loving attentiveness we should have towards the needs of others.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

No hagan nada por egoísmo o vanidad; más bien, con humildad consideren a los demás como superiores a ustedes mismos. Cada uno debe velar no sólo por sus propios intereses sino también por los intereses de los demás.

La actitud de ustedes debe ser como la de Cristo Jesús,

Quien, siendo por naturaleza Dios, no consideró el ser igual a Dios como algo a qué aferrarse.

Por el contrario, se rebajó voluntariamente, tomando la naturaleza de siervo y haciéndose semejante a los seres humanos.

Y al manifesterse como hombre, se humilló a sí mismo y se hizo obediente hasta la muerte, ¡y muerte de cruz!

Por eso Dios lo exaltó hasta lo sumo y le otorgó el nombre que está sobre todo nombre,

para que ante el nombre de Jesús se doble toda rodilla en el cielo y en la tierra y debajo de la tierra,

y toda lengua confiese que Jesucristo es el Señor, para gloria de Dios Padre.

Don’t do anything for selfishness or vanity; better, with humility consider others as superior to yourselves. Each one should look after not only his own interests, but also for the interests of the others.

Your attitude should be like that of Christ Jesus,

Who, being by nature God, did not consider being equal with God as something to hang onto.

On the contrary, he lowered himself voluntarily, taking the nature of a servant and making himself similar to human beings.

And upon showing himself as a man, he humiliated himself and made himself obedient unto death, and death on a cross!

That’s why God exalted him to the highest and granted him the name that is above all names

So that before the name of Jesus every knee would bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, for the glory of God the Father.

Jesus Washes Peter's Feet, by Ford Madox Brown, c. 1852

Jesus Washes Peter’s Feet, by Ford Madox Brown, c. 1852