History Lesson 3

Las Cruzadas y la Reconquista

The Crusades and the Reconquista

Small rebellions and minor victories shrink the territory of the Moorish kingdoms in Spain, but the real Reconquista (reconquest) of Iberia begins when the Pope decrees that soldiers who fight to reclaim Spain will receive the same indulgences that the Crusaders to the Holy Land receive.

The progress of the reconquest was from the north towards the south. That is why the south of Spain (Andalucia) bears the most prominent evidence of the Moorish period: the Moors dwelt there a longer time, and were expelled more recently.

Many thousands of Muslims still dwell in Spain. Some are still descendants of the old empires, while many more have immigrated there in recent decades. There is definitely still tension between the two cultures.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

En el año 715 toda Hispania está controlada por los moros, pero en 721, rebeldes empiezan a causar problemas para el gobierno morisco. Estas rebeliones continúan por más de 700 años, cuando los españoles finalmente terminan el reino de los moros.

La época de las cruzadas, desde 1095 hasta 1291, es un periodo de mucha violencia entre los católicos europeos y las fuerzas árabes en la Tierra Santa. Es un tiempo cuando la fe, la política, el odio y la codicia mezclan y causan muchos problemas. Para animar la reconquista en Iberia, el Papa dice que los soldados que pelean en España van a recibir las indulgencias de la iglesia. Entonces, la resistencia contra los moros en Iberia tiene más fuerza.

Gracias a sus territorios extensos en África, los ejércitos moros siempre traen más soldados a España, y es muy difícil recapturar las tierras. Poco a poco, los reinos moriscos caen, hasta que solo queda la fortaleza famosa la Alhambra en la ciudad de Granada.

El Rey Fernando II de Aragón dirige el ejército europeo que finalmente derrota a los moros en 1491. Él firme el Tratado de Granada con el sultán de Granada, y toda España ahora está en manos europeas. El tratado garantía la libertad religiosa para los moros (y Judíos) que viven en España, pero esto no dura mucho tiempo.

Todavía existen hoy muchas fortalezas y palacios de los moros, como la Alambra en Granada y El Alcázar en Málaga. Algunas estructuras ahora son convertidas en catedrales católicas, como la Gran Mezquita de Córdoba y la Giralda en Sevilla. Mucha gente de descendencia morisca sigue viviendo en España, y también la inmigración trae muchos musulmanes. Los problemas raciales continúan entre los grupos hoy.

In the year 715 all of Hispania is controlled by the Moors, but in 721, rebels begin to cause problems for the Moorish government. These rebellions continue for more than 700 years, when the Spanish finally end the reign of the Moors.

The period of the Crusades, from 1095 to 1291, is a period of much violence between the European Catholics and the Arabic forces in the Holy Land. It is a time when faith, politics, hatred and greed mix and cause many problems. In order to encourage the reconquest in Iberia, the Pope says that the soldiers who fight in Spain will receive indulgences from the Church. Then the resistance against the Moors in Iberia has more force.

Thanks to their extensive territories in Africa, the Moorish armies always bring more soldiers to Spain, and it is very difficult to recapture the lands. Little by little, the Moorish kingdoms fall, until there only remains the famous fortress the Alhambra in the city of Granada.

King Ferdinand II of Aragon directs the European army that finally defeats the Moors in 1491. He signs the Treaty of Granada with the Sultan of Granada, and all Spain now is in European hands. The treaty guarantees religious liberty for the Moors (and Jews) that live in Spain, but this does not last much time.

There still exist today many fortresses and palaces of the Moors, like the Alhambra in Granada and the Alcazar in Malaga. Some structure are now converted into Catholic cathedrals, such as the Gran Mezquita of Cordoba and la Giralda in Seville. Many people of Moorish descent continue living in Spain, and also immigration brings many Muslims. Racial problems continue between the groups today.

Preguntas Básicas

1. What are the approximate dates of the 770 year period of reconquest?

2. How did the Pope and the Crusades contribute to the reconquest?

3. What are the names of the city, the treaty and the fortress that are involved in the ending of the reconquest?