Vocab Lesson 31

Part 1: Pronouncing Phrases

Play the recordings and repeat each phrase after you hear it.

  • La reina saluda a su ejército.
  • Los guerrilleros llevan una bandera.
  • El soldado entró en la batalla.
  • El ejército rescató al rey.


Do this twice!

Part 2: Listening for Information

Play the recording, trying to understand as much as you can. Then read the questions below. Listen to the recording as many times as you need to, so that you can answer the questions in writing.


  1. ¿Quién fue atacado por los guerrilleros?
  2. ¿Cuanto tiempo hace que la batalla continúa?
  3. ¿Quién tiene las tácticas superiores?
  4. ¿Quién es derrotado?


Part 3: Dictation

Write down the sentences that you hear. You may listen to the recording as many times as you need to in order to do this. Once you have written it the best you can, click below to see the answers. Don’t cheat! You won’t learn that way!


Check your answers here.