Bible Lesson 16

El poder de Cristo sobre la naturaleza y los demonios – Jesus’ Power over Nature and Demons

Here is another instance of Jesus calming a storm, plus his power over a multitude of demons. In both cases, it just requires a word on his part to make impossible things happen in an instant.

Compare the reaction of the disciples (wonder and worship) to the reaction of the townspeople (fear and rejection).

May our reaction be like that of the disciples.

Let’s also remember that Jesus is active in our lives today, with this same power over the visible and the invisible. If we are in Christ, he has promised that he will work all things for our best and ultimate good. Those aren’t empty words!

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Un día subió Jesús con sus discípulos a una barca.

—Crucemos al otro lado del lago —les dijo.

Así que partieron, y mientras navegaban, él se durmió. Entonces se desató una tormenta sobre el lago, de modo que la barca comenzó a inundarse y corrían gran peligro.

Los discípulos fueron a despertarlo.

—¡Maestro, Maestro, nos vamos a ahogar! —gritaron.

Él se levantó y reprendió al viento y a las olas; la tormenta se apaciguó y todo quedó tranquilo.

—¿Dónde está la fe de ustedes? —les dijo a sus discípulos.

Con temor y asombro ellos se decían unos a otros: «¿Quién es éste, que manda aun a los vientos y al agua, y le obedecen?»

Navegaron hasta la región de los gerasenos, que está al otro lado del lago, frente a Galilea. Al desembarcar Jesús, un endemoniado que venía del pueblo le salió al encuentro. Hacía mucho tiempo que este hombre no se vestía; tampoco vivía en una casa sino en los sepulcros. Cuando vio a Jesús, dio un grito y se arrojó a sus pies. Entonces exclamó con fuerza:

—¿Por qué te entrometes, Jesús, Hijo del Dios Altísimo? ¡Te ruego que no me atormentes!

Es que Jesús le había ordenado al espíritu maligno que saliera del hombre. Se había apoderado de él muchas veces y, aunque le sujetaban los pies y las manos con cadenas y lo mantenían bajo custodia, rompía las cadenas y el demonio lo arrastraba a lugares solitarios.

—¿Cómo te llamas? —le preguntó Jesús.

—Legión —respondió, ya que habían entrado en él muchos demonios.

Y éstos le suplicaban a Jesús que no los mandara al abismo. Como había una manada grande de cerdos paciendo en la colina, le rogaron a Jesús que los dejara entrar en ellos. Así que él les dio permiso. Y cuando los demonios salieron del hombre, entraron en los cerdos, y la manada se precipitó al lago por el despeñadero y se ahogó.

Al ver lo sucedido, los que cuidaban los cerdos huyeron y dieron la noticia en el pueblo y por los campos, y la gente salió a ver lo que había pasado. Llegaron adonde estaba Jesús y encontraron, sentado a sus pies, al hombre de quien habían salido los demonios. Cuando lo vieron vestido y en su sano juicio, tuvieron miedo. Los que habían presenciado estas cosas le contaron a la gente cómo el endemoniado había sido sanado. Entonces toda la gente de la región de los gerasenos le pidió a Jesús que se fuera de allí, porque les había entrado mucho miedo. Así que él subió a la barca para irse.

Ahora bien, el hombre de quien habían salido los demonios le rogaba que le permitiera acompañarlo, pero Jesús lo despidió y le dijo:

—Vuelve a tu casa y cuenta todo lo que Dios ha hecho por ti.

Así que el hombre se fue y proclamó por todo el pueblo lo mucho que Jesús había hecho por él.

Cuando Jesús regresó, la multitud se alegró de verlo, pues todos estaban esperándolo.

One day Jesus got in with his disciples to a boat.

“Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” he said to them.

So they departed, and while they sailed, he fell asleep. Then a storm was unleashed upon the lake, so that the boat began to flood and they ran great danger.

The disciples went to wake him.

“Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” they shouted.

He got up and reprimanded the wind and the waves; the storm calmed itself and everything was calm.

“Where is your faith?” he said to his disciples.

With fear and amazement they said one to another, “Who is this, that he commands even the winds and the water and they obey him?”

They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is on the other side of the lake, across from Galilee. When Jesus disembarked, a demoniac from the village came to meet him. It had been a long time that this man didn’t dress himself; neither did he live in a house, but in the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he gave a shout and threw himself at his feet. Then he exclaimed with force:

“Why do you interfere, Jesus, Son of God Most High? I plead with you that you don’t torment me!”

Jesus had ordered the evil spirit to leave the man. It had taken him over many times, and, although they tied his hands and feet with chains and kept him in custody, he broke the chains and the demon dragged him to solitary places.

“What is your name?” Jesus asked him.

“Legion” he responded, since many demons had entered into him.

And these were pleading with Jesus that he not send them to the abyss. Since there was a great herd of pigs pasturing on the hill, they begged Jesus that he allow them to enter them. So he gave them permission. And when the demons left the man, they entered the pigs, and the herd threw itself into the lake over the cliff and it drowned.

Upon seeing what happened, those who cared for the pigs fled and told the news in the town and through the fields, and the people came out to see what had happened. They arrived where Jesus was and found, seated at his feet, the man from whom the demons had come out. When they saw him dressed and in his sane judgment, they were afraid. Those who had been present for these things told the people how the demoniac had been healed. Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked that Jesus leave from there, because much fear had entered them. So he got into the boat to leave.

At that time, the man from whom the demons had left pleaded with him that he allow him to accompany him, but Jesus dismissed him and told him:

“Return to your home and tell everything that God has done for you.”

So the man went and proclaimed through all the village how much Jesus had done for him.

When Jesus returned, the multitude rejoiced to see him, since all were awaiting him.

Christ on the Lake of Gennezaret, by Eugene Delacroix. 1854
Christ on the Lake of Gennezaret, by Eugene Delacroix. 1854
Jesus Heals a Demoniac. Eastern Orthodox Icon.
Jesus Heals a Demoniac. Eastern Orthodox Icon, Byzantine School.