Bible Lesson 19

Cristo con Moisés y Elías – Jesus with Moses and Elijah

Last time we heard about Peter’s confession: You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Jesus responded by saying (among other things) that some of those standing there with him would not die before they saw the Kingdom of God.

Today’s story begins right there, “eight days after saying this.” Many people believe that this moment, the Transfiguration, is what Jesus was referring to when he said that.

In any case, what a moment! This is just a glimpse of heaven, of the reality of eternity when the veil of this life is torn away!

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Unos ocho días después de decir esto, Jesús, acompañado de Pedro, Juan y Jacobo, subió a una montaña a orar. Mientras oraba, su rostro se transformó, y su ropa se tornó blanca y radiante. Y aparecieron dos personajes —Moisés y Elías— que conversaban con Jesús. Tenían un aspecto glorioso, y hablaban de la partida de Jesús, que él estaba por llevar a cabo en Jerusalén. Pedro y sus compañeros estaban rendidos de sueño, pero cuando se despabilaron, vieron su gloria y a los dos personajes que estaban con él. Mientras éstos se apartaban de Jesús, Pedro, sin saber lo que estaba diciendo, propuso:

—Maestro, ¡qué bien que estemos aquí! Podemos levantar tres albergues: uno para ti, otro para Moisés y otro para Elías.

Estaba hablando todavía cuando apareció una nube que los envolvió, de modo que se asustaron. Entonces salió de la nube una voz que dijo: «Éste es mi Hijo, mi escogido; escúchenlo.» Después de oírse la voz, Jesús quedó solo. Los discípulos guardaron esto en secreto, y por algún tiempo a nadie contaron nada de lo que habían visto.

Al día siguiente, cuando bajaron de la montaña, le salió al encuentro mucha gente. Y un hombre de entre la multitud exclamó:

—Maestro, te ruego que atiendas a mi hijo, pues es el único que tengo. Resulta que un espíritu se posesiona de él, y de repente el muchacho se pone a gritar; también lo sacude con violencia y hace que eche espumarajos. Cuando lo atormenta, a duras penas lo suelta. Ya les rogué a tus discípulos que lo expulsaran, pero no pudieron.

—¡Ah, generación incrédula y perversa! —respondió Jesús—. ¿Hasta cuándo tendré que estar con ustedes y soportarlos? Trae acá a tu hijo.

Estaba acercándose el muchacho cuando el demonio lo derribó con una convulsión. Pero Jesús reprendió al espíritu maligno, sanó al muchacho y se lo devolvió al padre. Y todos se quedaron asombrados de la grandeza de Dios.

Some eight days after saying this, Jesus, accompanied by Peter, John and James, went up a mountain to pray. While he prayed, his face transformed, and his clothing became white and radiant. And there appeared two people, Moses and Elijah, who were talking with Jesus. They had a glorious appearance, and they were speaking of the departure of Jesus, that he was about to carry out in Jerusalem. Peter and his companions were exhausted, but when they woke up, they saw his glory and the two people who were with him. While these moved away from Jesus, Peter, without knowing what he was saying, proposed:

Master, how good that we are here! We can put up three shelters: one for you, another for Moses and another for Elijah.

He was talking still when there appeared a cloud which enveloped them, so that they were afraid. Then came out from the cloud a voice that said, “This is my Son, my chosen one; listen to him.” After the voice was heard, Jesus remained alone. The disciples kept this in secret, and for some time they told nobody of what they had seen.

The following day, when they came down from the mountain, many people came out to meet them. And a man from among the crowd exclaimed:

“Master, I beg that you help my son, since he is the only one I have. A spirit takes possession of him, and suddenly the boy begins to shout; also it shakes him with violence and makes him have seizures. When it torments him, it rarely lets him go. I already begged your disciples to cast it out, but they failed to.

“Oh, unbelieving and perverse generation!” responded Jesus, “Until when will I have to be with you and put up with you? Bring here your son.”

The boy was coming near when the demon knocked him down with a convulsion. But Jesus rebuked the evil spirit, healed the boy and returned him to the father. And everyone was amazed at the greatness of God.

The Transfiguration, by Raphael, 1520.

The Transfiguration, by Raphael, 1520.

Transfiguration of Christ, Paolo Veronese, 1556. Cathedral of Saint Maria.

Transfiguration of Christ, Paolo Veronese, 1556. Cathedral of Saint Maria.


The Transfiguration of Christ, Lorenzo Lotto, 1511.