History Lesson 11

El Colonialismo, parte 1   –   Colonialism, part 1

After the age of exploration came the period known as Colonialism. This is the time during which the newly-claimed and conquered lands are organized politically, economically and culturally. The period is of course dominated by the interests of the Europeans, who use their superior force to create massive land holdings and take advantage of the wealth of the land.

For most of the Americas, this means the natives are under Spanish rule, and have to learn a new language, a new religion and a new culture.

For Spain, this is their “golden age,” when their massive territories supply them with incredible wealth, which they use to fight various wars in Europe.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Con todas sus posesiones en el oriente, en África, y en el nuevo mundo, España se hace el imperio más poderoso del mundo, y su rey, Carlos I, es el Emperador del Sacro Imperio. Con las especias y sedas, la plata y el oro, y los esclavos, los españoles tienen un periodo de poder sin igual.

Las riquezas del nuevo mundo vienen principalmente de las minas enormes en el Perú y en México. Naves llenas de plata y oro llegan en España cada año, y cada vez más españoles inmigran a las colonias en las Américas.

El gobierno de España está involucrado en muchas guerras en Europa, y muchos de los recursos del nuevo mundo son usados de esta manera. Los moros y los judíos son expulsados de España, y Carlos I lucha violentamente para oponer a Martín Lutero y la Reforma protestante.

En las Américas, el territorio es dividido en dos partes: Nueva España y Perú. Al principio, los españoles usan líderes indígenas como títeres, controlando a los indios de esta manera. El control real queda con los virreyes y gobernadores españoles, que fundan ciudades grandes y organizan la gente.

Muchos de los conquistadores y los inmigrantes de España se hacen propietarios de fincas, plantaciones y minas extensas. Los dueños se hacen muy poderosos y ricos, en parte debido al sistema europeo llamado “encomienda.” Bajo este sistema, los propietarios son responsables para proteger a los indios, y también para instruirlos en el idioma español y la religión católica. En cambio, los propietarios pueden demandar el oro, la comida y el trabajo forzado de los indios en su encomienda.

En realidad, este sistema es muy similar a la esclavitud en muchos casos. Aunque el gobierno de España hace leyes y reglas para proteger los derechos de los indios, muchos propietarios las ignoran, y abuso terrible existe en muchas partes.

With all of its possessions in the East, in Africa and in the New World, Spain becomes the most powerful empire on earth, and its king, Carlos I, is the Holy Roman Emperor. With spices and silk, silver and gold, and slaves, the Spanish have a period of unequaled power.

The riches of the New World come principally from the enormous mines in Peru and Mexico. Ships full of silver and gold arrive in Spain each year, and more and more Spaniards immigrate to the colonies in the Americas.

The government of Spain is involved in many wars in Europe, and many of the resources of the New World are used in this manner. The Moors and the Jews are expelled from Spain, and Carlos I fights violently to oppose Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation.

In the Americas, the territory is divided in two parts: New Spain and Peru. At the start, the Spaniards use indigenous leaders like puppets, controlling the Indians in this way. The real control remains with the Spanish viceroys and governors, who found large cities and organize the people.

Many of the conquistadors and the Spanish immigrants become owners of extensive farms, plantations and mines. The owners become very powerful and rich, in part owing to the European system called “encomienda.” Under this system, the owners are responsible to protect the Indians, and also to instruct them in the Spanish language and Catholic religion. In exchange, the owners can demand gold, food and forced labor from the Indians on their encomienda.

In reality, this system is very similar to slavery in many cases. Although the government of Spain makes laws and rules to protect the rights of the Indians, many landowners ignore them, and terrible abuse exists in many areas.

Preguntas Básicas

1. How is the majority of the gold and silver from the Americas spent?

2. What was the name of the system used to organize land ownership and labor?

3. What did the landowners owe the natives in this arrangement, and what did the natives owe the landowners in return?