History Lesson 2

La Edad de los Moros

The Age of the Moors

Fast forward from the fall of the Romans for about 200 years, and Christianity is strong in many parts of Europe and the Middle East. Then Mohammad starts to tell people about supposed new revelations from God, and the history of the world is about to change.

During Islam’s “golden age,” the Muslim kingdoms ruled a vast territory and made remarkable advances in art, commerce, mathematics, philosophy, medicine and architecture.

The massive kingdoms of the Moors and Arabs, set against the Christian kingdoms of Europe, set the stage for an extremely long, bitter conflict: the Crusades.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

En el desierto de Saudí Arabia en el año 610 AD, Mahoma dice que Dios (o Alá) está revelando nuevas cosas. Él empieza una nueva religión, Islam, pero los líderes de Meca no aceptan sus ideas. Mahoma sale para Medina, y allí él convierte a mucha gente. En 630, él regresa a Meca con un ejército muy grande y conquista la ciudad. Ésta es la primera de las muchas conquistas musulmanas.

Los califas que gobiernan Islam después de la muerte de Mahoma extienden su regla en muchas direcciones, incluyendo el norte de África. Los moros, una gente musulmana que vive allí, empiezan a cruzar el Estrecho de Gibraltar para Hispania en el año 711. Ellos pelean contra el rey Rodrigo de los visigodos, y dentro de 4 años los moros controlan casi toda la península ibérica.

Los ejércitos grandes de los moros ganan tierras nuevas en Hispania y Francia hasta 732. En aquel año, Carlos Martel de los Francos derrota los moros en la famosa Batalla de Tours. Entonces, la dirección de las guerras empieza a cambiar. Los europeos van a pelear 700 años más para recapturar toda la tierra de los moros.

Durante los años que los moros controlan Iberia, ellos tienen mucha influencia sobre la cultura. Los moros introducen la guitarra, lo que cambia la música tradicional de España mucho. También ellos traen muchas comidas, como el arroz, la caña de azúcar, el plátano, la almendra y otras frutas y especias. Además, muchas palabras y muchos nombres españoles vienen del árabe, incluyendo almuerzo, azúl, jirafa, ojalá, zanahoria, Andalucía, Trafalgar, Madrid y mucho más.  Incluso la piel castaña y el pelo moreno de los españoles llevan la influencia morisca.

In the desert of Saudi Arabia in the year 610 AD, Mohammed says that God (or Allah) is revealing new things. He begins a new religion, Islam, but the leaders of Mecca don’t accept his ideas. Mohammed leaves for Medina, and there he converts many people. In 630 he returns to Mecca with a very large army and conquers the city. This is the first of many Muslim conquests.

The caliphs who govern Islam after the death of Mohammed extend their rule in many directions, including the north of Africa. The *MoorsThe Moors come from the Berber people of northern Africa. They converted to Islam in the 600's AD, and mostly still follow this faith. They are not an Arabic (Middle-Eastern) people by blood or culture, technically, though many have learned the Arabic language in order to read the Quran and to participate in Islam., a Muslim people who live there, begin to cross the Straight of Gibraltar for Hispania in the year 711. They fight against king Rodrigo of the Visigoths, and within four years the Moors control almost all of the Iberian Peninsula.

The large armies of the Moors win new lands in Hispania and France until 732. In that year, Charles Martel of the Franks defeats the Moors in the famous Battle of Tours. Then, the direction of the wars begins to change. The Europeans are going to fight 700 more years to recapture all of the land from the Moors.

During the years that the Moors control Iberia, they have much influence over the culture. The Moors introduce the guitar, which changes the traditional music of Spain greatly. Also they bring many foods, such as rice, sugar cane, banana, almond and other fruits and spices. What’s more, many Spanish words and names come from Arabic, including almuerzo (lunch), azúl (blue), jirafa (giraffe), ojalá (if Allah permits), zanahoria (carrot), Andalucia, Trafalgar, Madrid (all place names), and many more. Even the darker skin and black hair of the Spaniards carries the Moorish influence.

Preguntas Básicas

1. Who were/are the Moors? (and how are they distinct from Arabs?)

2. Why are the names of Charles Martel and the Battle of Tours so important historically?

3. What are some of the main things that the Moors introduced to Spain?