History Lesson 23

España y Latinoamérica en la Primera Guerra Mundial – Spain and Latin America in WW1

The Great War, the War to End All Wars – these were the optimistic names first given to the conflict we now know as World War I. The German Empire was looking to expand its rule, and the war erupted all over the globe. Colonies belonging to the various powers became involved, and ancient treaties and alliances were called upon.

At the beginning, however, most of the American continent remained neutral.

As we will see, once the United States joined the war, the actions of Latin American countries were based more on their relationships with the USA than with the competing powers in Europe.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Cuando las naciones de Europa declararon la guerra en 1914, España quedó neutral. Aunque ellos perdieron muchas vidas y dinero en los ataques de los submarinos alemanes, España nunca entró a la guerra. Sin embargo, este país contribuyó a la guerra de dos maneras.

Primero, España era una fuente importante de acero, naranjas y varios otros productos que ayudaron a los aliados. Además, España hizo mucho para aliviar el sufrimiento de los prisioneros de guerra en Alemania. El rey de España, Alfonso XIII, pagó personalmente para facilitar la comunicación entre los prisioneros y sus familias.

En Latinoamérica, todos los países se declararon neutrales al principio, tal como Estados Unidos. Pero cuando Estados Unidos declaró la guerra en 1917, las reacciones fueron muy diferentes.

Panamá y Cuba habían recibido su independencia recientemente con la ayuda de Estados Unidos, entonces ellos declararon la guerra al mismo tiempo. Nicaragua y la República Dominicana habían sido ocupadas por tropas estadounidenses, entonces ellos tomaron la misma decisión.

Costa Rica, Bolivia y Perú se aliaron con Estados Unidos para ganar el favor y el respeto de su vecino importante. Paraguay y El Salvador se quedaron neutrales, pero amigables hacia Estados Unidos.  Uruguay tenía miedo de los inmigrantes alemanes en Brasil, los cuales deseaban conquistar a Uruguay y anexarlo para el imperio alemán. Por eso Uruguay declaró su apoyo para los aliados.

México, Colombia, Argentina y Chile se quedaron neutrales durante toda la guerra. Colombia estaba enojada contra Estados Unidos a causa de la situación en Panamá, y México todavía resentía la pérdida de California, Arizona, Texas y Nuevo México. Argentina y Chile resentían la intervención de Estados Unidos en los países de Latinoamérica, y ellos se declararon neutrales para mantener la independencia.

Muy pocas fuerzas de Latinoamérica pelearon durante la guerra, pero los países ayudaron de otras maneras. Algunos países incautaron las fábricas, minas y naves alemanas. Otros secuestraron los inmigrantes alemanes en sus territorios. Finalmente, muchos países exportaron sus bienes, como aceite, algodón, estaño, cobre y goma para ayudar a los aliados. Estos también ayudaron a la economía de los exportadores.

When the nations of Europe declared war in 1914, Spain remained neutral. Although they lost a lot of lives and money German submarine attacks, Spain never entered the war. Nevertheless, this country contributed to the war in two ways.

First, Spain was an important source of iron, oranges and various other products that helped the allies. What’s more, Spain did much to relieve the suffering of the prisoners of war in Germany. The king of Spain, Alfonso XIII, personally paid to facilitate communication between the prisoners and their families.

In Latin America, all of the countries declared themselves neutral at the start, just as the United States. But when the United States declared war in 1917, the reactions were very different.

Panama and Cuba had received their independence recently with the help of the United States, so they declared war at the same time. Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic had been occupied by American troops, so they made the same decision.

Costa Rica, Bolivia and Peru allied themselves with the United Stated to earn favor and respect from their important neighbor. Paraguay and El Salvador remained neutral, but friendly towards the United States. Uruguay was afraid of German immigrants in Brazil, who desired to conquer Uruguay and annex it for the German Empire. For that reason Uruguay declared its support for the Allies.

Mexico, Columbia, Argentina and Chile remained neutral throughout the whole war. Columbia was angry with the United States because of the situation in Panama, and Mexico still resented the loss of California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico. Argentina and Chile resented the American intervention in the Latin American countries, and they declared themselves neutral in order to maintain their independence.

Very few forces from Latin America fought during the war, but the countries helped in other ways. Some countries seized German factories, mines and ships. Others sequestered German immigrants in their territories. Finally, many countries exported their goods, such as oil, cotton, tin, copper and rubber to help the Allies. These also helped the economy of the exporting countries.

Preguntas Básicas

1. How did Spain contribute to World War I?

2. How did America’s Latin American allies help the war effort during World War I?

3. Which countries remained neutral in World War I because they were upset about US involvement in Latin America?