History Lesson 6

La Edad de Exploración, Parte 1   –   The Age of Exploration, Part 1

The voyage of Columbus was like the first drop of water that squeezes through a crack in a dam, soon to be followed by a rushing, unstoppable flood. When the European nations became aware of the massive potential just a few month’s sail across the ocean, it began a wave of exploration and colonization that would change the lives of millions of people in a very short time.

But there were important steps leading up to the journey of the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa María.  Improvements in navigation and shipbuilding made Columbus’ journey inevitable… it was just a question of who would go first.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Por cientos de años, los países de Europa compran las especias, la seda y otros lujos de China, India, Arabia y África. Todo este comercio necesita cruzar distancias extremas, y es controlado por sultanes, emperadores y reyes extranjeros. Pero la edad de exploración cambia todo esto, y también cambia la historia del mundo.

Príncipe Henrique de Portugal tiene una visión grande para la exploración. Llamado “Henrique el Navegador,” él quiere encontrar una ruta directa a las tierras ricas de África, para no pagar a los moros que controlan el norte del continente. Con naves mejores y navegación superior, sus barcos son los primeros que viajan largas distancias fuera de vista de la tierra. En 1444 sus naves pasan el Cabo Verde (en moderno Senegal) y empiezan a traer a esclavos y oro a Portugal. Siguen explorando más lejos cada año, pasando el punto sureño de África en 1488. Con esto, los portugueses llegan en el Océano Indio, y tienen su ruta establecida a las riquezas del oriente.

Cuando ven que sus vecinos, los portugueses, tienen esta ruta, los españoles quieren hacer igual. Por eso, Fernando e Isabel deciden financiar a Cristóbal Colón, quien cree que puede llegar en el oriente por viajar al oeste. En 1492 Colón llega en las islas caribeñas, pero cree que está en India. Durante sus próximos 3 viajes, él regresa con docenas de naves y miles de hombres para explorar y colonizar estas tierras.

Portugal y España son rivales en la exploración y la explotación de las tierras descubiertas. En el tratado de Tordesillas en 1494, ellos dividen el mundo en dos partes, y cada país puede explorar y colonizar su parte. Sin saber, ellos dividen el continente de Sudamérica con esta línea, y por eso Brasil es el único país en las Américas que habla portugués hoy.

For hundreds of years, the countries of Europe buy spices, silk and other luxuries from China, India, Arabia and Africa. All this commerce needs to cross extreme distances, and it is controlled by sultans, emperors and foreign kings. But the age of exploration changes all this, and also changes the history of the world.

Prince Henry of Portugal has a grand vision for exploration. Called “Henry the Navigator,” he wants to find a direct route to the rich lands of Africa, in order not to pay the Moors who control the north of the continent. With better ships and superior navigation, his boats are the first that travel long distances out of the sight of land. In 1444 his ships pass Cape Verde (in modern Senegal) and begin to bring slaves and gold to Portugal. They continue exploring farther each year, passing the southern tip of Africa in 1488. With this, the Portuguese arrive in the Indian Ocean, and have an established route to the riches of the Orient.

When they see that their neighbors, the Portuguese, have this route, the Spaniards want to do the same. For this reason, Ferdinand and Isabella decide to finance Christopher Columbus, who believes he can arrive in the Orient by sailing west. In 1492 Columbus arrives in the Caribbean Islands, but thinks he is in India. During his next three voyages, he returns with dozens of ships and thousand of men to explore and colonize these lands.

Portugal and Spain are rivals in the exploration and the exploitation of the discovered lands. In the treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, they divide the world in two parts, and each country can explore and colonize their part. Without knowing, they divide the continent of South America with this line, and that’s why Brazil is the only country in the Americas that speaks Portuguese today.

Preguntas Básicas

1. Who was Henry the Navigator, and what important accomplishment was he responsible for?

2. Who financed Christopher Columbus’ journey, and what was the goal?

3. What two countries made the Treaty of Tordesillas, and what far-reaching results did that have?