History Lesson 24

España: Reyes, Dictadores y la Democracia – Kings, Dictators and Democracy

After Spain lost the Spanish American War in 1898, and with it, their last remaining colonies of Cuba and the Philippines, the country began a period of serious self-doubt. The “Generation of ’98” is the group of Spanish intellectuals and artists who witnessed the fall of Spain out of the glory days of their empire and into a period of turmoil and struggle.

During the tumultuous period when Spain went back and forth between republics, monarchy and dictators, one king of Spain famously declared that the Spanish people were completely “ungovernable.”

Then came the dictatorship of Franco. The “Generalisimo,” as he liked to be called, proved that the Spanish people could be governed, but he did it through forced labor, concentration camps, and other totalitarian tactics.

Though Franco was a fascist and was friendly towards Hitler, the two powers were not formally allied during World War II. This meant that when Hitler eventually fell, Franco was able to go on leading his country for another three decades.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Cuando Napoleón fue derrotado y la monarquía recuperó el trono de España, un siglo turbulento siguió. Fernando VII reinó desde 1812 hasta 1833, y su hija Isabella II hasta 1868, pero durante estos años hubo muchas rebeliones y guerras, y varios gobiernos tomaron control del país. Cuando Isabella II fue derrotada y exiliada a París, todo se hizo aún peor. Hubo años de anarquía, un rey extranjero, dos repúblicas y la restauración de la monarquía española.

Para el año 1936, la monarquía había sido destruida y España pasó por tres años de guerra civil. Los liberales (los republicanos) querían un estado moderno y se oponían a la iglesia católica. También ellos apoyaban la reforma económica, incluyendo los derechos de los obreros, y la reforma agraria. Los conservadores (los nacionalistas) creían en la tradición y la iglesia, y también en un fuerte gobierno central.

Los gobiernos fascistas de Hitler en Alemania y Mussolini en Italia apoyaban a los nacionalistas en España, mientras que los comunistas en Rusia ayudaban a los republicanos. La guerra fue terrible, con muchísimas atrocidades, pero en el fin, el general Francisco Franco y los nacionalistas ganaron la guerra en 1939.

Franco se declaró el Caudillo de España, el comandante supremo. Éste gobernó España durante casi 40 años, hasta su muerte en 1975. Franco era un dictador opresivo, y abolió a los partidos políticos. Él limitó la libertad de expresión, y encarceló a sus oponentes en los campos de concentración. Durante su represivo régimen, miles fueron ejecutados, y cientos de miles encarcelados. La labor forzada fue responsable por muchos proyectos públicos.

Durante la época fascista la iglesia católica tuvo un periodo de gran poder con el apoyo de Franco. España no participó en la segunda guerra mundial, pero tuvo una alianza con Hitler. Más tarde hubo dos guerras en África, en las cuales España perdió sus colonias allí, incluyendo Marruecos.

Seis años antes de su muerte en 1975, Franco declaró que Juan Carlos, el nieto del rey Alfonso XIII*, sería el próximo líder de España. Juan Carlos juró la lealtad a Franco y sus ideales, pero en secreto él coordinaba con los líderes democráticos. Cuando Franco murió, Juan Carlos fue coronado. Inmediatamente él empezó la transición a la democracia. Juan Carlos sigue reinando hoy, pero el control real queda en su gobierno elegido.***

When Napoleon was defeated and the monarchy recovered the throne of Spain, a turbulent century followed. Fernando VII reigned from 1812 to 1833, and his daughter Isabella II until 1868, but during these years there were many rebellions and wars, and various governments took control of the country. When Isabella II was defeated and exiled to Paris, everything got even worse. There were years of anarchy, a foreign king, two republics and the restoration of the Spanish monarchy.

By the year 1936 the monarchy had been destroyed and Spain went through three years of civil war. The liberals (**Republicans) wanted a modern state and opposed the Catholic Church. Also they supported economic reform, including worker’s rights and land reform. The conservatives (Nationalists) believed in tradition and the Church, and also in a strong central government.

The fascist governments of Hitler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy supported the Nationalists in Spain, while the communists in Russia helped the Republicans. The war was terrible, with many atrocities, but in the end, the General Francisco Franco and the nationalists won the war in 1939.

Franco declared himself the Chief of Spain, the supreme commander. He governed Spain for almost 40 years, until his death in 1975. Franco was an oppressive dictator, and abolished political parties. He limited the freedom of speech, and incarcerated his opponents in concentration camps. During his repressive regime, thousands were executed, and hundreds of thousands incarcerated. Forced labor was responsible for many public projects.

During the fascist era the Catholic Church had a period of great power with the support of Franco. Spain didn’t participate in the Second World War, but had an alliance with Hitler. Later there were two wars in Africa, in which Spain lost its colonies there, including Morocco.

Six years before his death in 1975, Franco declared that Juan Carlos, the grandson of King Alfonso XIII, would be the next leader of Spain. Juan Carlos swore loyalty to Franco and his ideals, but in secret he was coordinating with democratic leaders. When Franco died, Juan Carlos was crowned. He immediately began the transition to democracy. Juan Carlos continues reigning today, but the real control remains in his elected government***.

* The reader mistakenly says Alfonso Octavo. It should be Alfonso Trece.
** In the USA today, the Republicans are the conservatives and the Democrats are the liberals. In Civil War Spain, however, those opposed to the monarchy, the republicans, were the liberals.
*** This information is somewhat outdated. Juan Carlos abdicated the throne in 2014 when he came under a lot of public criticism, passing the reign to his son, Phillip (Felipe VI).

Preguntas Básicas

1. What type of government did Franco lead in Spain?

2. Was Franco’s government allied with or opposed to the Catholic Church?

3. How did Spain transition to democracy after Franco’s death?