Bible Lesson 11

El Sermón en el Monte, parte 1 – The Sermon on the Mount, part 1

This passage contains some of the greatest and most famous words ever spoken on earth. Jesus spoke them to a large crowd on a hillside long ago, but they are every bit as relevant to us today as they were back then.

It begins with the Beatitudes, or the blessings. We see that the truly blessed ones in God’s eyes are those that are weak, humble, peacemakers, hungry, thirsty… in other words, those who know their inability and dependence.

We also learn that we will be persecuted, but we will be blessed through it.

We see that we are the salt of the earth, a city on a hill, a lamp in this dark world. We are to stand out from the world around us.

I hope that this is more than just a Spanish exercise for you; may it be a meditation on the character of God, and on the character of a true believer.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Cuando vio a las multitudes, subió a la ladera de una montaña y se sentó. Sus discípulos se le acercaron, y tomando él la palabra, comenzó a enseñarles diciendo:

«Dichosos los pobres en espíritu, porque el reino de los cielos les pertenece.

Dichosos los que lloran, porque serán consolados.

Dichosos los humildes, porque recibirán la tierra como herencia.

Dichosos los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia, porque serán saciados.

Dichosos los compasivos, porque serán tratados con compasión.

Dichosos los de corazón limpio, porque ellos verán a Dios.

Dichosos los que trabajan por la paz, porque serán llamados hijos de Dios.

Dichosos los perseguidos por causa de la justicia, porque el reino de los cielos les pertenece.

»Dichosos serán ustedes cuando por mi causa la gente los insulte, los persiga y levante contra ustedes toda clase de calumnias. Alégrense y llénense de júbilo, porque les espera una gran recompensa en el cielo. Así también persiguieron a los profetas que los precedieron a ustedes.

»Ustedes son la sal de la tierra. Pero si la sal se vuelve insípida, ¿cómo recobrará su sabor? Ya no sirve para nada, sino para que la gente la deseche y la pisotee.

»Ustedes son la luz del mundo. Una ciudad en lo alto de una colina no puede esconderse. Ni se enciende una lámpara para cubrirla con un cajón. Por el contrario, se pone en la repisa para que alumbre a todos los que están en la casa. Hagan brillar su luz delante de todos, para que ellos puedan ver las buenas obras de ustedes y alaben al Padre que está en el cielo.

When he saw the multitudes, he went up the slope of a mountain and sat down. His disciples approached him, and taking up the word, he began to teach them, saying:

“Blessed the poor in spirit, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.

Blessed those who mourn/cry, because they will be consoled.

Blessed the humble, because they will receive the earth as an inheritance.

Blessed those who have hunger and thirst for righteousness, because they will be satisfied.

Blessed the compassionate, because they will be treated with compassion.

Blessed those of clean heart, because they will see God.

Blessed those who work for peace, because they will be called sons of God.

Blessed the persecuted for the cause of righteousness, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.

“Blessed will be you all when for my cause the people insult you, persecute you and raise against you all kinds of slander. Rejoice and be filled with joy, because there waits for you a great reward in heaven. Thus also they persecuted the prophets who preceded you.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt becomes tasteless, how can it recover its flavor? It is now no good for anything, except that people throw it out and trample it.

“You are the light of the world. A city on the height of a hill cannot be hidden. Neither does one light a lamp to cover it with a box. On the contrary, one puts it on the stand so that it illumines all those who are in the house. Make shine your light before all, so that they can see your good deeds and praise your Father who is in heaven.”

The Sermon on the Mount. Carl Bloch - Danish painter, 1834 to 1890.

The Sermon on the Mount. Carl Bloch – Danish painter, 1834 to 1890.

The Sermon on the Mount - Stained Gladd. Dante Gabriel Rossetti (British), 1862

The Sermon on the Mount – Stained Glass. Dante Gabriel Rossetti (British), 1862