History Lesson 15

Las Guerras de Napoleón y sus Efectos – The Napoleonic Wars and their Effects

While it may seem odd to discuss Napoleon and the French as we study Spanish and Latin American history, they are really very closely connected. It was the Napoleonic takeover of Spain that really spurred the revolutions and the struggle for independence in the Americas. Obviously, it also had a profound impact on Spain!

This period of history is where the term “guerrilla warfare” comes from. When the French took over Spain, the armed forces and the citizens organized themselves in secret to carry out “la guerrilla” — the “little war.” Rather than trying to overwhelm their enemies in open battle, they used ambush, surprise attacks and sabotage as their main tactics. The Spaniards didn’t invent this type of resistance, but they did provide our modern name for it.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

La Revolución Francesa empezó en 1789, iniciando una época de cambios dramáticos en todo el mundo. En 1793 Francia tuvo enemigos en todos lados; las naciones de Inglaterra, Austria, España y otros formaron la Primera Coalición. Las guerras empezaron pronto, y siguieron hasta 1815.

Las fuerzas francesas derrotaron a España en 1795, y España tuvo que retirarse de la Coalición y hacerse aliado de Francia. Cuando Napoleón tomó control de Francia en 1799, él continuó la guerra contra las Coaliciones con mucho éxito, ganando muchas tierras para el Imperio francés.

Para invadir a Inglaterra, Napoleón necesitó derrotar la armada inglesa. Por eso, él juntó la armada francesa con la de España, y en 1805 la famosa Batalla de Trafalgar sucedió. Pero la armada de Inglaterra ganó una victoria increíble, y el almirante Horario Nelson se hizo un héroe y una leyenda, salvando su patria.

En 1807 Napoleón hizo planes para conquistar a Portugal. Los españoles quisieron tomar las puertas y las naves portuguesas, entonces acordaron ayudar a su aliado en la conquista. El plan tuvo éxito. La familia royal y el gobierno escaparon para vivir en Brasil, y Portugal fue derrotado.

Pero la corrupción y el desacuerdo político causaron muchos problemas en España. Napoleón invitó al rey Carlos IV y a su hijo Fernando a venir a París para recibir ayuda. Fue una trampa. Las fuerzas francesas en Portugal y el sur de Francia invadieron a España. En 1808 Napoleón declaró a su hermano Joseph Bonaparte el rey de España.

Los españoles no quisieron servir a los hermanos Bonaparte, entonces el ejército y los ciudadanos de España empezaron la Guerra de la Independencia Española. Aunque no pudieron quitar a los franceses, ellos ayudaron a la Coalición. También, ellos se rebelaron y atacaron a los franceses continuamente, consumiendo muchos de sus recursos vitales.

Cuando Napoleón invadió a Rusia, empezó a tener problemas grandes, y la Coalición pudo recapturar España en 1812. Napoleón fue derrotado por completo en 1815 en la Batalla de Waterloo.

The French Revolution began in 1789, beginning an era of dramatic changes in the whole world. In 1793 France had enemies on all sides; the nations of England, Austria, Spain and others formed the First Coalition. The wars began soon, and lasted until 1815.

The French forces defeated Spain in 1795, and Spain had to withdraw from the Coalition and become an ally of France. When Napoleon took control of France in 1799, he continued the war against the Coalitions with much success, winning many lands for the French Empire.

In order to invade England, Napoleon needed to defeat the British Navy. For that reason, he joined the French Navy with that of Spain, and in 1805 the famous Battle of Trafalgar took place. But the English Navy won an incredible victory, and Admiral Horatio Nelson became a hero and a legend, saving his homeland.

In 1807 Napoleon make plans to conquer Portugal. The Spanish wanted to take the Portuguese ports and ships, so they agreed to help their ally in the conquest. The plan was successful. The royal family and the government escaped to live in Brazil, and Portugal was defeated.

But corruption and political disagreement caused many problems in Spain. Napoleon invited King Carlos IV and his son Ferdinand to come to Paris to receive help. It was a trap. The French forces in Portugal and the south of France invaded Spain. In 1808 Napoleon declared his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, the king of Spain.

The Spanish refused to serve the Bonaparte brothers, so the army and the citizens of Spain began the Spanish War of Independence. Although they failed to eject the French, they helped the Coalition. Also, they rebelled and attacked the French continually, consuming many of their vital resources.

When Napoleon invaded Russia, he began to have big problems, and the Coalition was able to recapture Spain in 1812. Napoleon was completely defeated in 1815 in the Battle of Waterloo.

Preguntas Básicas

1. Why did the Spanish Armada fight with France against England, their former ally, at the Battle of Trafalgar?

2. How did Napoleon take over Spain with little initial resistance?

3. What strategic decision on Napoleon’s part began his downfall and led to the Coalition recapturing Spain?