History Lesson 1

La Regla Romana sobre Hispania

The Roman Rule over Hispania

Though we could go back farther, we will begin our study of Latino history with the Roman Empire and their conquest of Iberia (modern Spain & Portugal). The Romans called the region “Hispania,” and obviously, the name stuck!

So here we are, in the year 218 a. C. (antes de Cristo, before Christ), and the Romans are expanding their borders westward along the Mediterranean coast.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

5. Answer the Preguntas Básicas section at the bottom. You will be quizzed on these items.

Overview Timeline

200 años antes de Cristo, Iberia está controlado por las celtas, un grupo de tribus que viven en mucho de Europa e Inglaterra. Pero en el año 218 a. C. los romanos empiezan a invadir el área. En 197 a. C. ellos dividen la región en dos provincias, y lo llaman Hispania.

Las tribus todavía pelean contra los romanos porque quieren ser libres. Pero en el año 19 a. C. el emperador romano, Cesar Augusto, conquista la región completamente. Después, Hispania es una nueva parte muy importante del imperio romano, y tres emperadores famosos vienen de esta región: Trajano, Adriano y Marco Aurelio.

Los romanos construyen muchas calles para mejorar el transporte, y también hacen los acueductos para ayudar la agricultura. Ellos traen la cultura romana, incluyendo la lengua latina, el arte, la arquitectura y las peleas de gladiadores.

En el año 312 AD, el emperador Constantino se hace cristiano, y el imperio romano lo sigue. Durante esta época, Hispania empieza a ser católico.

Unos años después, el imperio romano tiene muchos problemas por todos lados, y son atacados en cada parte. En 409, varias tribus del norte entran Hispania y derrotan a los romanos. En el fin, los visigodos toman control de la región, y su rey Athaulf empieza su dinastía.

La influencia de los romanos es muy evidente hoy. Hay muchas ruinas romanas en España hoy, incluyendo ciudades, anfiteatros, estatuas y acueductos. Aún más, la lengua latina es la base de español, que ahora es la lengua primaria de 21 países y más de 400 millones de personas. Adicionalmente, otros aspectos de la cultura española vienen de Roma, como las corridas de toros y la religión católica.

200 years before Christ, Iberia is controlled by the Celts, a group of tribes who live in much of Europe and England. But in the year 219 BC the Romans begin to invade the area. In 197 BC they divide the region into two provinces, and they call it Hispania.

The tribes still fight against against the Romans because they want to be free. But in the year 19 BC the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus, conquers the region completely. Afterwards, Hispania is a very important new part of the Roman Empire, and three famous emperors come from this region: Trajan, Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius.

The Romans build many roads to improve the transportation, and they also make aqueducts to improve the agriculture. They bring Roman culture, including the language of Latin, art, architecture and the gladiator fights.

In the year 312 AD, the emperor Constantine becomes a Christian, and the Roman Empire follows him. During this time period, Hispania begins to be Catholic.

Some years later, the Roman Empire has many problems on all sides, and they are attacked in each part. In 409, various tribes from the north enter Hispania and defeat the Romans. In the end, the Visigoths take control of the region, and their king Athaulf begins his dynasty.

The influence of the Romans is very evident today. There are many Roman ruins in Spain today, including cities, amphitheaters, statues and aqueducts. Even more, the Latin language is the basis of Spanish, which now is the primary language of 21 countries and more than 400 million people. Additionally, other aspects of the Spanish culture come from Rome, such as the bullfights and the Catholic faith.

Preguntas Básicas

1. What powers rule Iberia (Hispania, Spain) before and after the Romans?

2. Which Roman Caesar completed the conquest of Hispania?

3. How does the Roman period influence the religion and language of Spain and Latin America?