Bible Lesson 12
El Sermón en el Monte, parte 2 – The Sermon on the Mount, part 2
Here Jesus addresses several of the primary reasons we are tempted to sin. Materialism, greed, envy, fear of not having enough, pride in appearance… it really all comes down to two issues.
First, the desire to accumulate wealth on earth is because our hearts are caught up in lesser gods. We worship our stuff, our entertainment, our self-image. Jesus shows us the emptiness of this by showing how temporary it is, and how ultimately unsatisfying.
Also, he addresses our lack of faith. We overwork and overworry because we don’t trust that God will provide. But he has promised to care for us, and that he loves us. To worry about these things is insulting God, implying that we don’t believe in his goodness or his power.
In the end, we can only serve one master. Will we serve ourselves? Or will we seek what will truly satisfy, and the treasure that will last forever: God himself?
How to Use This Page:
1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.
2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.
3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.
4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.