History Lesson 12

El Colonialismo, parte 2   –   Colonialism, part 2

We use the term “culture shock” to describe the overwhelming experience of being thrown into a completely new social environment. The people of the Americas probably had this experience in epic proportions when the Spanish (and other European nations) began to rule their territories.

Imagine some of the experiences they had:

A young man is torn from his village and family and brought into a city. Having always lived in wood huts, now he is surrounded by stone houses and towering churches. People wear heavy, uncomfortable clothes and speak a completely unfamiliar language. He is taken to far off regions with climates he has never dealt with, and forced to fight for the king of Spain against enemies he is distantly related to. The food, the customs, the warfare, the language – all of it is dramatically changed, and the confused young native has no choice but to serve until it kills him. Battle, starvation, disease, exhaustion, mistreatment… there were plenty of ways to die.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Antes de la llegada de los europeos, hay cinco tribus que dominan Centroamérica, incluyendo los mayas y los mexicas (aztecas). En Sudamérica, la civilización más famosa es la inca, pero hay otras también, como los cambebas del Amazonas, los chibchas de Colombia, los quechuas de Perú y los aimaras en Bolivia. Pero estas categorías no pueden describir la diversidad increíble que existe. Dentro de cada grupo hay cientos de pueblos que tienen dialectos distintos, y también sus propias religiones y tradiciones.

Las civilizaciones precolombinas son muy diversas. Algunas, como los incas, construyen increíbles ciudades de piedra, mientras otros hacen pueblos de adobe o chozas de madera y hojas. Muchos pueblos desarrollan la agricultura extensa, con maíz, papa, tomate, baya, piña, quínoa, chile, cacao, aguacate, papaya, cebolla y algodón. Otros cazan y pescan para tener que comer, y algunos crían animales domésticos como la llama, la alpaca, el pavo, el perro y el cobayo para la carne.

Los grupos indígenas varían también en la tecnología y los estudios. Las matemáticas avanzadas, la astronomía, la medicina, los calendarios, y la arquitectura impresionante son presentes en varias regiones. También, muchos usan los metales como la plata y el oro en sus artes, y la cerámica es muy común. La pintura y el uso de textiles también son comunes.

La vida no es perfecta ni pacífica, porque hay guerras entre varios grupos, apoyando la esclavitud y el sacrificio humano. Pero cuando los conquistadores llegan, la vida no se mejora. Las guerras y la enfermedad matan a cientos de miles de la gente indígena. Pierden a sus líderes y estructuras sociales, y tienen que someterse al rey de España y sus representantes, peleando en sus guerras. También, los españoles mudan a la gente de sus regiones de origen, poniéndolos en ciudades nuevas o lugares desconocidos; hasta la comida y la lengua cambian. Una cultura nueva empieza.

Before the arrival of the Europeans, there are five tribes that dominate Central America, including the Mexicas (Aztecs). In South America, the most famous civilization is the Inca, but there are others as well, such as the Cambebas of the Amazon, the Chibcha of Columbia, the Quechua of Peru and the Aymara in Bolivia. But these categories cannot describe the incredible diversity that exists. Within each group there are hundreds of peoples with distinct dialects, and also their own religions and traditions.

The precolumbian civilizations are very diverse. Some, like the Inca, build incredible cities of stone, while others make villages of adobe or huts of wood and leaves. Many peoples develop extensive agriculture, with corn, potato, tomato, berries, pineapples, quinoa, chile, cocoa, avocado, papaya, onion and cotton. Others hunt and fish to have something to eat, and some raise domestic animals like the llama, the alpaca, the turkey, the dog and the guinea pig for meat.

The indigenous groups vary also in their technology and studies. Advanced mathematics, astronomy, medicine, calendars and impressive architecture are present in various regions. Also, many use metals like gold and silver in their arts, and pottery is very common. Paint and the use of textiles also are common.

Live is not perfect or peaceful, because there are wars among various groups, supporting slavery and human sacrifice. But when the conquistadors come, life does not improve. Wars and sickness kill hundreds of thousands of indigenous people. They lose their leaders and social structures, and they have to submit to the king of Spain and his representatives, fighting in his wars. Also, the Spanish move the people from their regions of origin, putting them in new cities or unfamiliar places: even the food and the language change. A new culture begins.

Preguntas Básicas

1. Were the people of the Americas basically similar in language and culture prior to the arrival of the Spanish?

2. What kills more natives than the wars of conquest?

3. What effect does it have on the native peoples when they are relocated to new regions?