History Lesson 18

La Formación de México   –   The Formation of Mexico

Mexico began its quest for independence in the same time period that most other Latin American countries did. Two unique features of this revolution are the roles of priests, and the defection (switching sides) of a very important Spanish general.

Mexico was very unstable after its independence in 1821, and the following 50 years saw many wars and massive upheavals. The worst loss to Mexico began when Texas declared its independence, later deciding to join the United States. This led to the Mexican-American war, and even greater losses of territory.

Because the lands lost to Mexico in that war were inhabited by thousands of Mexicans, the treaty that ended the war gave those residents the ability to become U.S. citizens. Many of the “Mexicans” living in the western states today actually have a longer heritage of U.S. citizenship than their European-descended neighbors!

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Era un sacerdote, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, que declaró la independencia de México en 1810, pero él fue capturado y ejecutado en 1811. Otro sacerdote, José María Morelos, tomó su lugar y continuó la rebelión hasta su muerte en 1815. La revolución tuvo éxitos y desastres durante diez años, hasta que España mandó al general Agustín de Iturbide con un ejército para poner fin a todo en 1820.

Iturbide tenía la sangre española, pero nació en México, y él decidió aliarse con los revolucionarios. Con Iturbide y su ejército, la revolución estableció la independencia mexicana muy rápidamente, capturando la Ciudad de México sin pelear en 1821. La gente eligió a su libertador para ser el líder del Imperio Mexicano, Emperador Agustín. Pero el nuevo emperador no pudo satisfacer a todos. La economía sufría, el congreso quería ser una república y el emperador no podía pagar su ejército. Iturbe salió México en 1823, y la nación se hizo una república: los Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

La nueva república sufrió mucho desacuerdo e inestabilidad. Muchos presidentes y dictadores subieron y se cayeron, y varias constituciones fueron firmadas y abolidas. Antonio López de Santa Anna fue el dictador tres veces diferentes. Cuando él abolió la constitución en 1836, una guerra civil empezó, y la República de Texas declaró su independencia.

Texas se juntó con los Estados Unidos en 1845, pero la frontera entre Texas y México no era claramente establecida. La violencia empezó en 1846 cuando un ejército mexicano atacó a un patrullo estadounidense en una zona disputada. Estados Unidos declaró la guerra. Después de capturar Alta California, los estadounidenses continuaron más al sur. Destruyeron la armada mexicana y capturaron Puebla, una ciudad muy importante.

En 1848 el ejército estadounidense entró México, D.F., la ciudad capital, y los mexicanos firmaron el Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo. México perdió Texas y tuvo que vender Alta California a Estados Unidos por $20.000.000. En total, México perdió la mitad de su territorio.

It was a priest, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, who declared Mexico’s independence in 1810, but he was captured and executed in 1811. Another priest, José María Morelos, took his place and continued the rebellion until his death in 1815. The revolution had successes and disasters for 10 years, until Spain send general Agustín de Iturbide with an army to put an end to it all in 1820.

Iturbide has Spanish blood, but he was born in Mexico, and he decided to ally himself with the revolutionaries. With Iturbide and his army, the revolution established the independence of Mexico very rapidly, capturing Mexico City without fighting in 1821. The people elected their liberator to be the leader of the Mexican Empire, Emperor Augustín. But the new emperor couldn’t satisfy everyone. The economy was suffering, congress wanted to be a republic, and the emperor couldn’t pay his army. Iturbe left Mexico in 1823, and the nation became a republic: the United Mexican States.

The new republic suffered much disagreement and instability. Many presidents and dictators rose and fell, and various constitutions were signed and abolished. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was the dictator three different times. When he abolished the constitution in 1836, a civil war began, and the Republic of Texas declared its independence.

Texas joined the United States in 1845, but the border between Texas and Mexico was not clearly established. The violence began in 1846 when a Mexican army attacked a US patrol in the disputed zone. The United States declared war. After capturing Upper California, the Americans continued farther south. They destroyed the Mexican navy and captured Puebla, a very important city.

In 1848 the American army entered Mexico D.F., the capital city, and the Mexicans signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Mexico lost Texas and had to sell Upper California to the United States for twenty million dollars. In all, Mexico lost half of its territory.

Preguntas Básicas

1. What is the official name of the country of Mexico (in Spanish)?

2. What began the Mexican-American war?

3. How did Texas and California become part of the United States?