Bible Lesson 25

Diez Leprosos, y El Fin – Ten Lepers, and the End

First here we see a story of Jesus’ compassion on ten men with leprosy. All ten are healed, though only the Samaritan, the hated enemy of the Jews, returns to say thank you. May we be like him!

Then the scene shifts to a question about the coming Kingdom of God. The Jews were expecting the Messiah to conquer and expel the Romans, so that they could have their own Kingdom of Israel again. But Jesus warns them that things will not be as they expect:

Their King will be rejected, and suffer and die before the Kingdom is established.

The Kingdom will come unexpectedly, while everyone is going about their business.

The Kingdom will not begin and spread from some physical location on earth. Rather, it will be immediate and in all locations at once. God’s people will be taken to be with him, and the others will be left.

May we all be ready!

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Un día, siguiendo su viaje a Jerusalén, Jesús pasaba por Samaria y Galilea. Cuando estaba por entrar en un pueblo, salieron a su encuentro diez hombres enfermos de lepra. Como se habían quedado a cierta distancia, gritaron:

—¡Jesús, Maestro, ten compasión de nosotros!

Al verlos, les dijo:

—Vayan a presentarse a los sacerdotes.

Resultó que, mientras iban de camino, quedaron limpios.

Uno de ellos, al verse ya sano, regresó alabando a Dios a grandes voces. Cayó rostro en tierra a los pies de Jesús y le dio las gracias, no obstante que era samaritano.

—¿Acaso no quedaron limpios los diez? —preguntó Jesús—. ¿Dónde están los otros nueve? ¿No hubo ninguno que regresara a dar gloria a Dios, excepto este extranjero? Levántate y vete —le dijo al hombre—; tu fe te ha sanado.

Los fariseos le preguntaron a Jesús cuándo iba a venir el reino de Dios, y él les respondió:

—La venida del reino de Dios no se puede someter a cálculos. No van a decir: “¡Mírenlo acá! ¡Mírenlo allá!” Dense cuenta de que el reino de Dios está entre ustedes.

A sus discípulos les dijo: —Llegará el tiempo en que ustedes anhelarán vivir siquiera uno de los días del Hijo del hombre, pero no podrán. Les dirán: “¡Mírenlo allá! ¡Mírenlo acá!” No vayan; no los sigan. Porque en su día el Hijo del hombre será como el relámpago que fulgura e ilumina el cielo de uno a otro extremo. Pero antes él tiene que sufrir muchas cosas y ser rechazado por esta generación.

»Tal como sucedió en tiempos de Noé, así también será cuando venga el Hijo del hombre. Comían, bebían, y se casaban y daban en casamiento, hasta el día en que Noé entró en el arca; entonces llegó el diluvio y los destruyó a todos.

»Lo mismo sucedió en tiempos de Lot: comían y bebían, compraban y vendían, sembraban y edificaban. Pero el día en que Lot salió de Sodoma, llovió del cielo fuego y azufre y acabó con todos.

»Así será el día en que se manifieste el Hijo del hombre. En aquel día, el que esté en la azotea y tenga sus cosas dentro de la casa, que no baje a buscarlas. Así mismo el que esté en el campo, que no regrese por lo que haya dejado atrás. ¡Acuérdense de la esposa de Lot! El que procure conservar su vida, la perderá; y el que la pierda, la conservará. Les digo que en aquella noche estarán dos personas en una misma cama: una será llevada y la otra será dejada. Dos mujeres estarán moliendo juntas: una será llevada y la otra será dejada.

—¿Dónde, Señor? —preguntaron.

—Donde esté el cadáver, allí se reunirán los buitres —respondió él.

One day, continuing his trip to Jerusalem, Jesus was passing through Samaria and Galilee. When he was about to enter a village, there came to meet him ten men sick with leprosy. Since they had stayed a certain distance, they shouted:

“Jesus, Master, have compassion on us!”

Upon seeing them, he said to them, “Go and present yourselves to the priests.”

It happened that, as they went on their way, they were cleansed.

One of them, upon seeing himself healthy, returned praising God with loud shouts. He fell face down on the earth at the feet of Jesus and gave him thanks, even though he was a Samaritan.

“Weren’t the ten cleansed?” asked Jesus. “Where are the other nine? Wasn’t there any who returned to give glory to God, except this foreigner? Rise and go,” Jesus said to the man, “Your faith has healed you.”

The Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God was coming, and he responded to them:

“The coming of the kingdom of God can’t be submitted to calculations. They won’t say, ‘Look at it here! Look at it there!’ Realize that the Kingdom of God is among you.

To his disciples he said, “There will come a time when you long to live one of the days of the Son of Man, but you won’t be able to. They will tell you, ‘Look at him here! Look at him there!’ Don’t go. Don’t follow them. Because on the day of the Son of Man it will be like the lightning that flashes and illuminates the sky from one end to the other. But beforehand he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.

“Just as happened in the time of Noah, so also it will be when the Son of Man comes. They were eating and drinking and getting married and giving in marriage, until the day in which Noah entered the ark; then came the flood and destroyed them all.

“The same happened in the time of Lot: they ate and drank, bought and sold, sowed and built. But the day in which Lot left Sodom, it rained fire and sulfur from the sky and finished them all off.

“Thus will be the day in which the Son of Man shows himself. In that day, he that is on the roof and has his things inside the house, let him not go down to find them. So also he that is in the field, that he not return for what he has left behind. Remember Lot’s wife! He who wants to save his live, will lose it; and he that loses it, will save it. I tell you that on that night there will be two people in the same bed: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be milling together: one will be taken and the other will be left.”

“Where, Lord?” they asked him.

“Where the dead body is, there the vultures will gather.” he responded.

The Healing of the Lepers at Capernaum, by James Tissot, 1894

The Healing of the Lepers at Capernaum, by James Tissot, 1894

Preaching of Christ on the Mount of Olives about the Second Coming, by Alexander Ivanov, 1840

Preaching of Christ on the Mount of Olives about the Second Coming, by Alexander Ivanov, 1840

Noah's Ark, by Marc Chagall, 1966

Noah’s Ark, by Marc Chagall, 1966