History Lesson 26

El Socialismo en Latinoamérica – Socialism in Latin America, part 1

When World War II ended, the era of peace that everyone was expecting didn’t develop as hoped. Stalin’s USSR, who had helped the Allies in the war, ruled a massive stretch of Europe, and his communist government sought to spread the ideals of revolution and Marxism throughout the world.

This activity, seen as a threat by the United States, England, and much western Europe, triggered an equally forceful attempt to spread and defend the ideals of democracy and capitalism across the globe. This was most famously responsible for the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War. But it also had profound effects in Central and South America.

There are many conflicting views as to who was right or wrong during this time period. What is indisputable, however, is that is was an unspeakably devastating time for millions of people.

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Terminado la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el mundo se dividió en dos ideologías, dirigidas por dos poderes. Estados Unidos y sus aliados apoyaban la democracia, y La Unión Soviética (URSS) promulgaba el comunismo. Aunque los dos países nunca pelearon en una guerra abierta, ellos luchaban en secreto para extender su influencia y sus ideas. La tensión era tremenda, especialmente durante 1953 a 1962. Por eso el periodo se llama «la Guerra Fría».

Durante estos años millones de latinoamericanos vivían en pobreza devastadora, y en países con dictaduras terribles. En estas condiciones los ideales del socialismo y el comunismo eran muy atractivos a la gente.

La Unión Soviética apoyaba a los grupos socialistas, suministrando enseñanza, dinero y armas. Estados Unidos hacía igual, pero muchos de los grupos que fueron apoyados por EEUU no eran democráticos; simplemente eran anti-socialistas. Muchos sufrieron y muchas atrocidades ocurrieron a causa de esto.

Un ejemplo muy ilustrativo es el de Nicaragua. Estados Unidos apoyaba el gobierno dictadura de la familia Somoza. Este gobierno peleaba contra las Sandinistas, un grupo socialista, usando la tortura, el asesinato, la censura y otras violaciones de los derechos humanos. Los Sandinistas, apoyados por los comunistas en otros países, usaban las huelgas, los secuestros, los ataques violentos y otros métodos para avanzar su causa.

En 1979 la revolución tuvo éxito, y los Sandinistas tomaron control del país. Iniciaron cambios dramáticos para mejorar la educación, los derechos civiles y la reforma de la economía y la agricultura. La Contra (o los contrarrevolucionarios) no aceptó el gobierno nuevo, y siguió peleando para derrotar a las Sandinistas.

Estados Unidos se decidió a apoyar a La Contra para combatir el socialismo. El CIA entrenó y armó a los rebeldes. Cuando el mundo se enteró acerca de las atrocidades y el terrorismo cometidos por La Contra, Estados Unidos hizo una ley que prohibió que siguiera apoyándolos. Sin embargo, el gobierno envió el dinero a La Contra en secreto.

Los Sandinistas siguieron gobernando hasta 1990, cuando fueron derrotados en una elección democrática. La gente del país había sufrido terriblemente durante los 16 años de conflicto, con casi 80.000* muertos, y muchas vidas más destruidas por la lucha. Con tantos actos terribles cometidos por todos participantes, todavía no es claro quién fue el villano.

* The reader says 80 million here. It should be “ochenta mil.”

The Second World War over, the world was divided into two ideologies, led by two powers. The United States and their allies supported democracy, and the Soviet Union (USSR) promoted communism. Although the two countries never fought in an open war, they fought in secret to extend their influence and their ideas. The tension was tremendous, especially from 1953 to 1962. That’s why the period is called the “Cold War.”

During these years millions of Latin Americans lived in devastating poverty, and in countries with terrible dictatorships. In these conditions the ideals of socialism and communism were very attractive to the people.

The Soviet Union supported socialist groups, supplying teaching, money and weapons. The United States did the same, but many of the groups that were supported by the USA were not democratic; they were simply anti-socialist. Many suffered and many atrocities occurred because of this.

One very illustrative example of this is Nicaragua. The United States supported the government dictatorship of the Somoza family. This government fought against the Sandinistas, a socialist group, using torture, assassination, censorship and other human rights violations. The Sandinistas, supported by the communists in other countries, used strikes, kidnappings, violent attacks and other methods to advance their cause.

In 1979 the revolution was successful, and the Sandinistas took control of the country. They began dramatic changes to improve education, civil rights and economic and agrarian reform. The Contras (or the counter-revolutionaries) didn’t accept the new government, and continued fighting to defeat the Sandinistas.

The United States decided to support the Contras in order to combat socialism. The CIA trained and armed the rebels. When the world found out about the atrocities and the terrorism committed by the Contras, the United States made a law that forbid that they continue helping them. Nevertheless, the government sent money to the Contras in secret**.

The Sandinistas continued governing until 1990, when they were defeated in a democratic election. The people of the country had suffered terribly during the 16 years of conflict, with almost 80,000 dead, and many more lives destroyed by the struggle. With so many terrible acts committed by all participants, it is still not clear who the villain was.

**This was known as the Iran-Contra scandal. The United States sold weapons to Iran, and the profit from the sale went to support the Contras. This illegal transaction was publicized and created a massive scandal

Preguntas Básicas

1. In what country did the United States support the Somoza dynasty and the Contras?

2. What was the socialist group that ruled Nicaragua for more than a decade?

3. Why was the United States involved in the civil wars and domestic violence of Central and South America?