History Lesson 5

Fernando e Isabella, los Reyes Católicos – Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic Monarchs

If there are any couples who equal Ferdinand and Isabella in regard to enduring influence on the world, they must be remarkable indeed!

  • Completing the Reconquista
  • Uniting the competing nation-states of Iberia
  • Establishing Catholicism as the religion of Spain (along with the Inquisition)
  • Sending Christopher Columbus on his famous voyage
  • Expelling the Jews from the country

While their legacy is in some aspects questionable, it is undeniably important. In many ways their generation shaped the fate of the modern world!

How to Use This Page:

1. Listen to the audio as you read along with the Spanish on the left.

2. Open the English translation, and read the two side-by-side, making sure you understand the Spanish.

3. Close the English, and listen to the audio again, reading along in Spanish.

4. Close the Spanish, and listen once more. Maybe shut your eyes, and just try to catch as much as you can.

Overview Timeline

Cuando las fuerzas europeas capturan las tierras de Iberia de los moros, establecen reinos pequeños en su lugar, como León, Aragón, Galicia, Castilla y Navarra. Los reyes crecen en poder y hacen alianzas, hasta el matrimonio de Fernando de Aragón e Isabela de Castilla. Esta unión en 1469 forma la base de la unificación de España, pero el país no se une oficialmente durante sus vidas.

Fernando e Isabel hacen mucho para cambiar y formar la nación de España. No reinan de una sola ciudad, sino se mudan frecuentemente para ganar la lealtad de la gente. Organizan un sistema nuevo de justicia, incluyendo las “santas hermandades”, un tipo de policía medieval, y muchos jueces. Fernando termina la reconquista en 1491 cuando captura la ciudad de Granada.

Los “reyes católicos” usan el catolicismo para unir el país bajo una religión. Aunque prometan la libertad de religión cuando derrotan los musulmanes, eso no dura mucho tiempo. Ellos usan la religión católica para tomar más control, e introducen la famosa Inquisición. La iglesia y el gobierno usan los impuestos, el miedo y la violencia para sujetar a los que creen algo diferente o no apoyan su poder. Incluso dicen que todos los judíos necesitan salir el país.

Tal vez los reyes católicos son reconocidos más hoy por su apoyo de Cristóbal Colón. Él forma colonias y lleva muchas riquezas a este país nuevo, haciéndolo uno de las naciones más poderosas del mundo.

Los efectos de la regla de Fernando e Isabela todavía se sienten hoy. Ellos son responsables por la estabilidad, poder, riqueza y religión de España. Por la colonización, su influencia continúa afectando millones de latinos y grupos indígenas en las Américas.

When European forces capture the lands of Iberia from the Moors, they establish small kingdoms in their place, such as Leon, Aragon, Galicia, Castille and Navarre. The kings grow in power and make alliances, until the marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon to Isabella of Castille. This union in 1469 forms the basis of the unification of Spain, but the country doesn’t unite officially during their lifetimes.

Ferdinand and Isabella do much to change and shape the nation of Spain. They don’t reign from just one city, but instead they move frequently in order to win the loyalty of the people. They organize a new system of justice, including the “holy brotherhoods,” a type of Medieval police, and many judges. Ferdinand finishes the reconquest in 1491 when he captures the city of Granada.

The “Catholic Monarchs” use Catholicism to unite the country under one religion. Although they promise religious liberty when they defeat the Muslims, this does not last much time. They use the Catholic religion to take more control, and they introduce the famous Inquisition. The church and the government use taxes, fear and violence to subject those who believe something different or don’t support their power. They even say that all of the Jews need to leave the country.

Perhaps the Catholic Monarchs are most recognized today for their support of Christopher Columbus. He forms colonies and brings many riches to this new country, making it one of the most powerful nations of the world.

The effects of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella are still felt today. They are responsible for the stability, power, wealth and religion of Spain. Because of colonization, their influence continues affecting millions of Latinos and indigenous groups in the Americas.

Preguntas Básicas

1. How did Ferdinand and Isabella change Iberia politically (ie. borders, politics, government of the region)?

2. What were the influences of Ferdinand and Isabella religiously?

3. What were two of the biggest accomplishments (in terms of changing history) achieved or supported by Ferdinand and Isabella?